
ref: master
Sha Commit date Commit message Author
301f19fb 2023-11-26 all: use a custom font for text (IBM Plex Sans) Pedro Lucas Porcellis
d0d7d7af 2023-07-11 Huge layout/style overhaul; added dark mode as well Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2aef97b4 2022-05-09 Fix typo on Wonders of git rebase Pedro Lucas Porcellis
5abc9cf6 2022-04-05 style: use a sans font instead of serif on titles Pedro Lucas Porcellis
4129e7cb 2022-04-05 layout: update favicon Pedro Lucas Porcellis
1567b798 2022-04-05 style: increase font a little bit and give the content more width Pedro Lucas Porcellis
9939eedf 2021-10-13 Ignore draft articles Pedro Lucas Porcellis
3b50cf58 2021-10-12 Hide draft article Pedro Lucas Porcellis
fd66acd4 2021-10-12 Update article Pedro Lucas Porcellis
ca58080d 2021-10-09 wip Pedro Lucas Porcellis
fe85d637 2021-09-24 Add new article about protonmail Pedro Lucas Porcellis
7a6806c0 2021-08-23 Remove blog post Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a8eb48b9 2021-06-26 footer: replace public inbox with personal email Pedro Lucas Porcellis
b68d00c9 2021-06-15 Add new post about Alpine Linux Pedro Lucas Porcellis
7f912cc6 2021-05-03 deploy: update server Pedro Lucas Porcellis
3a508f39 2021-04-29 Add article about git-rebase Pedro Lucas Porcellis
e2f43cfb 2021-04-13 Add syntax highlight Pedro Lucas Porcellis
941a2055 2021-04-05 Add note about icyphox design inspiration Pedro Lucas Porcellis
de140db0 2021-04-05 Add new article about reliable software Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c7b3de61 2021-03-28 Update english variant article title Pedro Lucas Porcellis
b7135094 2021-03-28 Fix header and translations list small devices issues Pedro Lucas Porcellis
de59f31c 2021-03-28 Add a Que Pasa for March, 2021 Pedro Lucas Porcellis
9a4a1ca0 2021-03-27 Add tags to archetype, will use later to display related posts Pedro Lucas Porcellis
56f54b09 2021-03-27 Add rss and gemini capsule to footer Pedro Lucas Porcellis
e45b12da 2021-03-27 Don't duplicate backlog translations and add copyright notice Pedro Lucas Porcellis
5c300c9b 2021-03-27 Add RSS link, pgp and avatar Pedro Lucas Porcellis
01b77dc0 2021-03-27 Add CI Pedro Lucas Porcellis
383c3954 2021-03-27 I18n for gringos Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c19337d8 2021-03-27 Make available for other languages Pedro Lucas Porcellis
d209e905 2021-03-27 Style up Pedro Lucas Porcellis
04bea36c 2021-03-27 Main structure/layout Pedro Lucas Porcellis
495bf8d9 2021-03-27 Add multiple language site config Pedro Lucas Porcellis
086b3791 2021-03-20 Readd posts with simple format Pedro Lucas Porcellis
1ad05409 2021-03-18 Initial Commit Pedro Lucas Porcellis