
commit de59f31c55d38fb66b8ffa057789c1222aee0f1b

Author: Pedro Lucas Porcellis <porcellis@eletrotupi.com>

Add a Que Pasa for March, 2021

 content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.en.md | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.md | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++

diff --git a/content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.en.md b/content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a5556fdde683dd7c6055e52ea004b5bac0648f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+title: "¿Que Pasa? Março, 2021"
+date: 2021-03-27
+draft: false
+tags: ["que-pasa", "atualizacao"]
+Hello, I find myself once again writing this article a little bit late. A day
+before new year eve I lost my grandpa and somehow this has affected a little bit
+more than I thought. I've tried to write many times during that period, but I
+only found motivation to keep doing stuff at work and patch some drafts here and
+there on my backlog of unfinished rants, that's the reason of lacking "¿Que
+Pasa?" on the last two months, althought that's probably the first one in
+That being said, this month I actually did finish some stuff. First, I
+provisioned a new Alpine Linux server and deployed Moodle on it for the [Projeto
+Integrar - Project 'Integrate' (facebook page)][integrar] and we've been
+discussing on how to improve the project forward while creating a more cohevise
+I've also migrated my git forge from [cgit][cgit] to [smithy][smithy], a tiny
+git forge written in Go. I've [ended][smithy-1] [up sending][smithy-2] [a
+lot][smithy-3] [of patches][smithy-4] [to it][smithy-5]. I still have some
+unfinished patches on my local git copy, but I'm lacking time to actually finish
+them up. I've also kept the [percollate aur package][percollate] up to date and
+on this packager world, I've submitted the [satellite][satellite-apk] to the
+Alpine Linux aports. On other radars, I've [fixed a bug on the her gem][her]
+which happened whenever a sub-resource endpoint returned a [204 status
+code][204], although I don't expect to receive any updates on this patch so
+I've also cleanup this blog, [reworking from scratch (MIT)][blog] and adding
+some translations of my backlog of articles in english (like this one).
+Basically this is it, I still hold some other news, but I'll let them to their
+own future articles.
+A xero[^1] and see you soon.
+[blog]: https://git.eletrotupi.com/porcellis.com
+[cgit]: https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/
+[integrar]: https://fb.me/projetointegrar
+[smithy]: https://github.com/honza/smithy
+[smithy-1]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/8fbf436312dd2794ca688ab0e8b9b72efe362b94
+[smithy-2]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/63f747b979f103a864d4bb889be776e16aa70a74
+[smithy-3]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/a9f07c700e6fbcf811906043839509d4d6a7275b
+[smithy-4]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/8fc1697ba97b7bc463a169f90fe8f2f2bbade514
+[smithy-5]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/09ecccbbab7c3c89b7ca87e60e5c25cdf6fe6af0
+[percollate]: https://github.com/danburzo/percollate/commit/0e138215c24f2859483dc2dae2ac5af4db5fa8c7
+[satellite-apk]: https://lists.alpinelinux.org/~alpine/aports/patches/3474
+[satellite]: https://git.sr.ht/~gsthnz/satellite
+[her]: https://github.com/remi/her/pull/540
+[204]: https://http.cat/204
+[^1]: Could be translated as 'smell you later'

diff --git a/content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.md b/content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45bcad6f14a8fc475a2a33ca22d0f5718b82665c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/que-pasa-marco-2021.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: "¿Que Pasa? Março, 2021"
+date: 2021-03-27
+draft: false
+tags: ["que-pasa", "atualizacao"]
+Olá, escrevo mais uma vez atrasado. Na virada do ano perdi meu avô, e isso me
+abalou de uma forma inesperada. Tentei escrever varias vezes, mas não senti que
+consegui produzir nada além de trabalhar e mexer em alguns rascunhos aqui e ali,
+por isso a ausência de "¿Que Pasa?" nos últimos dois meses.
+Dito isto, esse mês tive algumas evoluções lentas mas interessantes.
+Primeiramente, subi uma versão do Moodle para o [Projeto Integrar (no
+facebook)][integrar], e estamos trabalhando em como melhorar o projeto daqui pra
+frente, criar uma infraestrutura mais coesa. Além disso, troquei a instância do
+[cgit][cgit] pelo [smithy][smithy], um _forge_ escrito em Go. Também
+[mandei][smithy-1] [diversos][smithy-2] [patches][smithy-3] [em][smithy-4]
+[diversas areas][smithy-5]. Ainda tenho alguns outros patches inconcluidos na
+minha cópia local do projeto, mas me falta tempo para terminar. Mantive
+atualizado o pacote do [percollate][percollate] e ainda nesse mundo
+[empacotei][satellite-apk] o [satellite][satellite]. Em outros radares, [corrigi
+um erro na gem do her][her] que acontecia quando um determinado endpoint
+retornava uma resposta com um [código 204][204], entretanto não imagino receber
+alguma atualização nesse patch tão cedo.
+Dei uma limpada nesse blog, [refazendo ele do zero (MIT)][blog] e adicionando
+aos poucos traduções dos textos aqui para a gringaida.
+Essencialmente é isso, tenho algumas outras notícias, mas vou deixar para entrar
+em mais detalhes em textos futuros.
+Um xero e até logo.
+[blog]: https://git.eletrotupi.com/porcellis.com
+[cgit]: https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/
+[integrar]: https://fb.me/projetointegrar
+[smithy]: https://github.com/honza/smithy
+[smithy-1]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/8fbf436312dd2794ca688ab0e8b9b72efe362b94
+[smithy-2]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/63f747b979f103a864d4bb889be776e16aa70a74
+[smithy-3]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/a9f07c700e6fbcf811906043839509d4d6a7275b
+[smithy-4]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/8fc1697ba97b7bc463a169f90fe8f2f2bbade514
+[smithy-5]: https://github.com/honza/smithy/commit/09ecccbbab7c3c89b7ca87e60e5c25cdf6fe6af0
+[percollate]: https://github.com/danburzo/percollate/commit/0e138215c24f2859483dc2dae2ac5af4db5fa8c7
+[satellite-apk]: https://lists.alpinelinux.org/~alpine/aports/patches/3474
+[satellite]: https://git.sr.ht/~gsthnz/satellite
+[her]: https://github.com/remi/her/pull/540
+[204]: https://http.cat/204