
ref: master
Sha Commit date Commit message Author
3df0079e 2021-07-06 all: add dependencies for ini and xdg Pedro Lucas Porcellis
4a2f79c2 2021-07-06 create: sanitize note name Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2aff3bc8 2020-10-20 Add translated version of the README and minor upgrades on the docs Pedro Lucas Porcellis
9ccc8779 2020-10-20 Add command to share notes at a given provider Pedro Lucas Porcellis
181977b5 2020-10-20 Load configuration from file instead of hardcoded defaults Pedro Lucas Porcellis
97afeb46 2020-09-20 Little adjustments on the README Pedro Lucas Porcellis
1a554c83 2020-08-05 Display notes using the user's pager Pedro Lucas Porcellis
43598864 2020-05-03 Improve the length of description and add a border between notes Pedro Lucas Porcellis
52da9d47 2020-05-03 Improve README commands list and add note about glow Pedro Lucas Porcellis
31612889 2020-05-03 Use glow to display notes Pedro Lucas Porcellis
75ab537b 2020-05-03 Display the index to edit that note Pedro Lucas Porcellis
11b2b73e 2020-03-21 Hint tw on the README Pedro Lucas Porcellis
5e6884c8 2020-03-21 Improve documentation with newer commands Pedro Lucas Porcellis
ba29c240 2020-03-21 Introduce commands instead of wrongly use POSIX args Pedro Lucas Porcellis
3ee1e988 2020-01-10 Add a installation process to the README Pedro Lucas Porcellis
e52bfd8d 2020-01-10 Fix plain text email link and describe why use man Pedro Lucas Porcellis
81cdda07 2020-01-10 Improve README, add todo list and how contribute Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c87b79b8 2020-01-07 Introduce installation script to Makefile Pedro Lucas Porcellis
030ef4fd 2019-12-23 Update LICENSE and README Pedro Lucas Porcellis
579f9ba6 2019-12-23 Update README to include the usage Pedro Lucas Porcellis
76f0d055 2019-12-23 Generate a simple and nice doc Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2440779b 2019-12-23 Add a usage and version to the main program Pedro Lucas Porcellis
ba939248 2019-12-23 Use EDITOR config variable or default to vi Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2a23fee8 2019-12-23 Use Aurora to display ANSI and display a small preview Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a102ca77 2019-12-22 Tidy up and add a nice POSIX compliant options parsing Pedro Lucas Porcellis
012d15a0 2019-12-22 Add modules Pedro Lucas Porcellis
6c7bf8d3 2019-12-22 Remove only the binary Pedro Lucas Porcellis
7305b757 2019-12-22 Write something to a file command Pedro Lucas Porcellis
ae418aa2 2019-12-22 Create a new Note Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a0dd9f91 2019-12-22 List notes Pedro Lucas Porcellis
79aa1e99 2019-12-22 Add Note's Title method Pedro Lucas Porcellis
6c50d91f 2019-12-18 Generate basic config Pedro Lucas Porcellis
98e9d9df 2019-12-18 New file organization Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a0a01990 2019-12-18 Yeah, I know. Let's reset all Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2cb23486 2019-12-18 Update make file to handle cleaning and correct import packages Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c52764d9 2019-12-17 Add a basic make file Pedro Lucas Porcellis
adfa1927 2019-11-13 Refactored to work with arguments Pedro Lucas Porcellis
af74a1e9 2019-11-13 Remove full path from git commit message Pedro Lucas Porcellis
056af5ce 2019-11-12 Sync notes PoC Pedro Lucas Porcellis
ea6daf25 2019-11-11 First iteration, basic file creation and calling an editor Pedro Lucas Porcellis