
ref: 0.0.3
Sha Commit date Commit message Author
5a22c843 2021-08-04 document: allow to select the current frontmatter Pedro Lucas Porcellis
e318017c 2021-07-29 Configuration, search for common paths or raise an exception Pedro Lucas Porcellis
64be21a6 2021-07-29 Properly package rascunho Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c7d7a62a 2021-07-29 Ignore some annoying files Pedro Lucas Porcellis
f754bf11 2021-07-29 Rename from core to rascunho for better packaging Pedro Lucas Porcellis
d34d840a 2021-07-29 Simplify our markdown filter Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a32be5df 2021-07-29 Update api blueprint to conform to new rules on flask Pedro Lucas Porcellis
38f68ecd 2021-07-29 Replace timezone with pytz Pedro Lucas Porcellis
18234f8a 2020-11-10 Improve markdown blockquotes and code sections Pedro Lucas Porcellis
6a8fe8c8 2020-10-22 Use footnotes Pedro Lucas Porcellis
180b5a1f 2020-10-20 Humanize from locale config Pedro Lucas Porcellis
9c1c1af9 2020-10-20 Redirect instead of rendering on the same route Pedro Lucas Porcellis
d3b7f284 2020-10-20 Fetch first document Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a2c0c91f 2020-10-18 Update readme Pedro Lucas Porcellis
4c97a173 2020-10-18 Update readme Pedro Lucas Porcellis
66081a39 2020-10-18 Update README and improve config Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2d764c0f 2020-10-16 Add sample error pages Pedro Lucas Porcellis
58d796d3 2020-10-16 Fix typos Pedro Lucas Porcellis
6bfd4042 2020-10-16 Import module Pedro Lucas Porcellis
faf70f4d 2020-10-13 Add CI Pedro Lucas Porcellis
3d932754 2020-10-12 Display the first annotation Pedro Lucas Porcellis
b9a3358a 2020-10-12 Use the user IP to generate the sha digest and update if found one Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2d5cadbe 2020-10-12 Add the public API Pedro Lucas Porcellis
750bde88 2020-10-12 Handle errors and http exceptions Pedro Lucas Porcellis
45ffb5ea 2020-10-12 Preview a document and information Pedro Lucas Porcellis
56092728 2020-10-12 Save document on database Pedro Lucas Porcellis
d3118382 2020-10-12 Add date and markdown filters and improve overall app structure Pedro Lucas Porcellis
36c9a8db 2020-10-12 Add a minimal stylesheet Pedro Lucas Porcellis
5d5ca5af 2020-10-12 Rig it up database Pedro Lucas Porcellis
ffd1a66e 2020-09-23 Small touch Pedro Lucas Porcellis
7fd8b8c0 2020-06-21 Improve READMEs to keep tracking of whats left Pedro Lucas Porcellis
b8b0a4fe 2020-06-21 Pass to mistune the raw text and show the preview Pedro Lucas Porcellis
02dc3b95 2020-06-21 Add umbó as default framework Pedro Lucas Porcellis
fe0d8170 2020-06-21 Throw main layout and the index Pedro Lucas Porcellis
95f29475 2020-06-21 Lay the non-api flow Pedro Lucas Porcellis
54d98150 2020-06-21 Basic scaffold of the app Pedro Lucas Porcellis
2e1f8999 2020-06-21 Rig app initialization with configuration Pedro Lucas Porcellis
dcf92e65 2020-06-21 Throw a sample config Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a0743a43 2020-06-21 Remove pycache Pedro Lucas Porcellis
88842f40 2020-06-21 Initial draft of the project Pedro Lucas Porcellis