
ref: master
Sha Commit date Commit message Author
7be86760 2025-01-16 weather: introduce tabs and refactor weather js code Pedro Lucas Porcellis
ec8cfd9e 2025-01-16 tasks: make the filters and remove button mobile-first Pedro Lucas Porcellis
68aea886 2025-01-16 all: drop hamburguer menu box shadow Pedro Lucas Porcellis
9a4161d6 2025-01-16 tasks: drop border-radius for the remove button Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c427f5c5 2025-01-16 all: update readme Pedro Lucas Porcellis
0af9eb74 2025-01-16 all: drop unused files Pedro Lucas Porcellis
620ab81d 2025-01-16 weather: add basic weather fetcher function Pedro Lucas Porcellis
8d737c32 2025-01-16 tasks: update tasks layout Pedro Lucas Porcellis
dc6dee35 2025-01-16 tasks: add filters & summary Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c26a40a9 2025-01-16 tasks: add form validation, refactor js and add error Pedro Lucas Porcellis
a3cd3e2c 2025-01-16 all: breaking into different pages and add forms Pedro Lucas Porcellis
18a9b9ae 2025-01-15 all: first version rigging up tasks and geo location Pedro Lucas Porcellis
e6c20fff 2025-01-15 all: fleshing out basic (stupid) app Pedro Lucas Porcellis
3595a6e8 2025-01-15 all: bootstrap hello world Pedro Lucas Porcellis
5b09bb33 2025-01-15 all: update readme Pedro Lucas Porcellis
c339a014 2025-01-15 all: initial Pedro Lucas Porcellis