ref: master
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# encoding: utf-8 class SpaminatorPlugin::Spaminator class << self def run(environment) instance = new(environment) end def benchmark(environment) puts Benchmark.measure { run(environment) } end def initialize_logger(environment) logdir = Rails.root.join('log', FileUtils.mkdir_p(logdir) if !File.exist?(logdir) logpath = File.join(logdir, "#{}_#{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}_#{'%F_%T')}.log") @logger = end def log(message) @logger << "[#{'%F %T %z')}] #{message}\n" end end def initialize(environment) @environment = environment @settings =, SpaminatorPlugin) @report ={:environment => environment, :total_people => Person.count, :total_comments => Comment.count}, :without_protection => true) self.class.initialize_logger(environment) end def run self.class.log("Starting Spaminator scan") start_time = process_all_comments process_all_people finish(start_time) end protected def finish(start_time) finish_report @settings.last_run = start_time! self.class.log("Finishing Spaminator scan successfully") end # TODO considering run everything always def on_environment [ "profiles.environment_id = ?",] end def comments_to_process Comment.joins("JOIN articles ON (comments.source_id = AND comments.source_type = 'Article') JOIN profiles ON ( = articles.profile_id)").without_spam.where(on_environment) end def people_to_process Person.visible.non_abusers.where(on_environment) end def process_all_comments self.class.log("Starting to process all comments") comments = comments_to_process total = comments.count pbar = ProgressBar.create(title: "☢ Comments", total: total, format: '%t: |%B| %E') if Rails.env.development? comments.each do |comment| begin process_comment(comment) rescue register_fail(:comments, comment) end pbar.increment if Rails.env.development? end @report.processed_comments = total pbar.finish if Rails.env.development? self.class.log("All comments processed") end def process_all_people self.class.log("Starting to process all people") people = people_to_process total = people.count pbar = ProgressBar.create(title: "☢ People", total: total, format: '%t: |%B| %E') if Rails.env.development? people.find_each do |person| process_person_by_comments(person) process_person_by_no_network(person) pbar.increment if Rails.env.development? end @report.processed_people = total pbar.finish if Rails.env.development? self.class.log("All people processed") end def process_comment(comment) self.class.log("Processing Comment[#{}]") comment = Comment.find( comment.check_for_spam @report.spams_by_content += 1 if comment.spam # TODO several comments with the same content: # → disable author # → mark all of them as spam # TODO check comments that contains URL's end def process_person_by_comments(person) # person is author of more than 2 comments marked as spam # → mark as spammer # self.class.log("Processing Person[#{}] by comments") begin number_of_spam_comments = Comment.spam.where(:author_id => if number_of_spam_comments > 2 mark_as_spammer(person) @report.spammers_by_comments += 1 end rescue register_fail(:people, person) end end def process_person_by_no_network(person) # person who signed up more than one month ago, have no friends and <= 1 # communities # # → disable the profile # ? mark their comments as spam # self.class.log("Processing Person[#{}] by network") if person.created_at < ( - 1.month) && person.friends.count == 0 && person.communities.count <= 1 begin disable_person(person) @report.spammers_by_no_network += 1 rescue register_fail(:people, person) end Comment.where(:author_id => do |comment| begin comment.spam! @report.spams_by_no_network += 1 rescue register_fail(:comments, comment) end end end end def disable_person(person) if person.disable Delayed::Job.enqueue(, :inactive_person_notification)) end end def mark_as_spammer(person) AbuseComplaint.create!(:reported => person).finish end def finish_report puts @report.details! end def register_fail(kind, failed) self.class.log("Failed #{kind.to_s.camelize}[#{}]") @report[:failed][kind.to_sym] << end end |