ref: master


<%= _('Social Share Privacy Options')%>

<%= _('Choose the social networks you want to enable the share buttons.') %>

<%= labelled_form_field(_('Available networks'), select_tag('networks[]', options_for_select(@available_networks), {:id => 'social-networks-list', :multiple => true, :size => 6 }) ) %>
<%= button :down, _('Add'), '#', { :id => 'add' } %> <%= button :up, _('Remove'), '#', { :id => 'remove' } %>
<%= form_tag do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'settings[networks][]' %> <%= labelled_form_field(_('Selected networks'), select_tag('settings[networks]', options_for_select(@settings.networks), {:id => 'selected-social-networks', :multiple => true, :size => 6 })) %>

<%= _('The same order in which you arrange the social networks here will be used for arranging the share buttons.') %>

<%= button_bar do %> <%= submit_button 'save', _('Save'), :cancel => {:controller => 'plugins', :action => 'index'} %> <% end %> <% end %>