ref: master
<% blogs = @block.parents %> <% if blogs.empty? %><%= _('No blogs found. Please add a blog in order to configure this block.') %>
<% end %> <%= labelled_form_field(_('Choose which blog should be displayed'), select_tag( 'block[selected_folder]', options_for_select( {|node| [node.title,]}, @block.selected_folder) ) ) %> <%= labelled_form_field(_('Choose how the content should be displayed'), select_tag( 'block[presentation_mode]', options_for_select( { _("Title only") => "title_only", _("Title and abstract") => "title_and_abstract", _("Full content") => "full_content" }, @block.presentation_mode ) ) ) %> <%= labelled_form_field(_('Choose how many items will be displayed'), text_field_tag('block[total_items]', @block.total_items, :size => 3, :maxlength => 5) ) %> <%= labelled_check_box _('Display blog cover image'), 'block[show_blog_picture]', true, @block.show_blog_picture %>