ref: master


<% unless block.root.nil? %>
<% children = block.articles_of_folder(block.root, block.total_items)%>
<%= block_title(block.title.blank? ? c_("Recent content") : block.title, block.subtitle ) %> <% if block.show_blog_picture and !block.root.image.nil? %>
<%= image_tag(block.root.image.public_filename(:big)) %>
<% end %>
<% if block.mode?('title_only') %>
    <% children.each do |item| %>
  • <%= link_to(h(item.title), item.url)%>
  • <% end %>
<% elsif block.mode?('title_and_abstract') %>
<% children.each do |item| %>

<%= link_to(item.title,item.url, :class => 'post-title')%>


<%= link_to(_('Read more'), item.url) %>

<% end %>
<% else %>
<% children.each do |item| %>

<%= link_to(item.title,item.url, :class => 'post-title')%>


<%= link_to(_('Read more'), item.url) %>

<% end %>
<% end %> <% if profile %> <%= link_to _('View All'), :profile => profile.identifier, :controller => 'content_viewer', :action => 'view_page', :page => block.root.path %> <% end %>
<% else %> <%= _('This is the recent content block. Please edit it to show the content you want.') %> <% end %>