ref: master
<% pub_path = __FILE__.sub /.*(\/plugins\/[^\/]+\/).*/, '\1' %><% if video.has_web_version %> <%= render :partial => 'video_player', :locals => {:video => video} %> <% elsif not video.web_version_jobs.empty? %><% if video.has_web_version %> <% end %> <% if video.allow_edit?(user) && !video.conversion_errors.blank? %> <% else %> <% end %><%=_('Quality options')%>:<%=_('Description')%>:<%= video.abstract %>
<% end %><%=_('Video conversion errors')%>
<% video.conversion_errors.each do |type, type_block| %> <% type_block.each do |size, size_block| %> <% message, code, output = size_block[:message], size_block[:code], size_block[:output] # hide version header to non admins message.sub!(/^([^\n]*\n){2}/,'') unless user.is_admin? %>
- <% end %> <% end %>
<%= _('Error while converting %{orig_type} to %{new_type}, %{size} size.') % { :orig_type=>video.content_type.split('/')[1], :new_type=>type, :size=>size } %>
<%= _('Code %s') % content_tag('strong',code) +' — '+ message.to_s %> <%= link_to _('display full output'), '#', :class => 'show-output', :onclick => 'jQuery(".output",this.parentNode).show(); jQuery(this).hide(); return false' %>