ref: master
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require_relative 'dotenv' RailsRoot = File.expand_path "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/.." PidsDir = "#{RailsRoot}/tmp/pids" OldPidFile = "#{PidsDir}/" ListenAddress = "" ListenPort = 50000 UnixListen = "run/unicorn.sock" Backlog = 2048 Workers = 5 Timeout = 60 WarmUp = true WarmUpTime = 1 # caution use non cacheable urls WarmUpUrl = ['/admin/plugins', '/', '/profile/content'] CurrentPrio = Process.getpriority Process::PRIO_PROCESS, 0 # put "* - nice 0" on /etc/security/limits.conf to enable WarmUpRenice = `bash -c 'ulimit -e'`.to_i-20 >= CurrentPrio rescue false WarmUpRenicePrio = 19 begin require 'unicorn/worker_killer' WorkerKiller = true rescue LoadError WorkerKiller = nil end WorkerKillByRequests = 500..600 WorkerKillByMemory = 208..256 WorkerListen = true WorkerPidFile = true WorkerDaemons = { 0 => { :name => 'delayed_job', :run => proc{{ sleep 30.minutes; Process.kill :SIGTERM, } require_relative 'dotenv' worker = worker.name_prefix = 'unicorn worker 0' worker.start }, }, 1 => { :name => 'feed-updater', :run => proc{{ sleep 30.minutes; Process.kill :SIGTERM, } }, }, } working_directory RailsRoot worker_processes (if Workers < WorkerDaemons.count+1 then WorkerDaemons.count+1 else Workers end) timeout Timeout stderr_path "#{RailsRoot}/log/unicorn.stderr.log" stdout_path "#{RailsRoot}/log/unicorn.stdout.log" pid "#{PidsDir}/" listen "#{RailsRoot}/#{UnixListen}", :backlog => Backlog listen "#{ListenAddress}:#{ListenPort}", :tcp_nopush => true # combine Ruby 2 or REE with "preload_app true" for memory savings # preload_app true GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true if GC.respond_to? :copy_on_write_friendly= # this is loaded on first run or restart conditions (URS2, HUP). Unset on first before_fork call master_run = true before_fork do |server, worker| if master_run if WarmUp Process.setpriority Process::PRIO_PROCESS, 0, WarmUpRenicePrio if WarmUpRenice require 'rack/test' client = Array(WarmUpUrl).each do |url| client.get url end Process.setpriority Process::PRIO_PROCESS, 0, CurrentPrio if WarmUpRenice end # Disconnect since the database connection will not carry over ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect! if defined? ActiveRecord::Base if File.exists? OldPidFile do # wait a little for the new master sleep WarmUpTime # a .oldbin file exists if unicorn was gracefully restarted with a USR2 signal # we should terminate the old process now that we're up and running old_pid = begin Process.kill "QUIT", old_pid File.delete OldPidFile rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH # someone else did our job for us end end end master_run = false end end after_fork do |server, worker| daemon = WorkerDaemons[] # Start up the database connection again in the worker ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection if defined? ActiveRecord::Base # reset memcache connection (if using memcache-client) Rails.cache.instance_variable_get(:@data).reset if Rails.cache.class.to_s == 'ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore' if WorkerKiller nil, WorkerKillByRequests.begin, WorkerKillByRequests.end if WorkerKillByRequests nil, WorkerKillByMemory.begin * (1024**2), WorkerKillByMemory.end * (1024**2) if WorkerKillByMemory end unless daemon # say to the kernel to kill very big workers first than other processes # Not very secure"/proc/#{}/oom_adj", "w"){ |f| f << '12' } if WorkerListen # per-process listener ports for debugging/admin/migrations server.listen "#{ListenAddress}:#{ListenPort +}", :tries => -1, :delay => 5 end unless daemon if WorkerPidFile child_pid_file = server.config[:pid].sub '.pid', ".#{}.pid" system "echo #{} > #{child_pid_file}" end end # daemons support require 'active_support/all' class Unicorn::HttpServer def worker_loop_with_daemons worker daemon = WorkerDaemons[] if daemon ctx = START_CTX.dup #save for later use with proc_name init_worker_process worker START_CTX.merge! ctx name = "#{}:#{daemon[:name]}" proc_name "worker[#{name}]" "worker=#{name} ready as a daemon" daemon[:run].call else worker_loop_without_daemons worker end end alias_method_chain :worker_loop, :daemons def awaken_master_with_daemons if SIG_QUEUE.include? :QUIT WORKERS.each do |pid, worker| daemon = WorkerDaemons[] next unless daemon Process.kill 'TERM', pid end end awaken_master_without_daemons end alias_method_chain :awaken_master, :daemons end |