ref: dockerize
= rails_rcov plugin for Rails rails_rcov provides easy-to-use Rake tasks to determine the code coverage of your unit, functional, and integration tests using Mauricio Fernandez's rcov tool. == Installation First, install rcov from Mauricio's web site []. Make sure it's on your system path, so that typing +rcov+ on the command line actually runs it. THIS PLUGIN DOESN'T DO ANYTHING BESIDES GENERATE ERRORS UNLESS YOU INSTALL RCOV FIRST. RCOV CONTAINS ALL THE MAGIC, THIS PLUGIN JUST RUNS IT. Second, install this plugin. If your project is source-controlled by Subversion (which it should be, really), the easiest way to install this is via Rails' plugin script: ./script/plugin install -x If you're not using Subversion, or if you don't want it adding svn:externals in your project, remove the -x switch: ./script/plugin install == Usage For each test:blah task you have for your Rails project, rails_rcov adds two more: test:blah:rcov and test:blah:clobber_rcov. Running rake test:units:rcov, for example, will run your unit tests through rcov and write the code coverage reports to your_rails_app/coverage/units. Running test:units:clobber_rcov will erase the generated report for the unit tests. Each rcov task takes two optional parameters: RCOV_PARAMS, whose argument is passed along to rcov, and SHOW_ONLY, which limits the files displayed in the report. RCOV_PARAMS: # sort by coverage rake test:units:rcov RCOV_PARAMS="--sort=coverage" # show callsites and hide fully covered files rake test:units:rcov RCOV_PARAMS="--callsites --only-uncovered" Check the rcov documentation for more details. SHOW_ONLY is a comma-separated list of the files you'd like to see. Right now there are four types of files rake_rcov recognizes: models, helpers, controllers, and lib. These can be abbreviated to their first letters: # only show files from app/models rake test:units:rcov SHOW_ONLY=models # only show files from app/helpers and app/controllers rake test:units:rcov SHOW_ONLY=helpers,controllers # only show files from app/helpers and app/controllers, with less typing rake test:units:rcov SHOW_ONLY=h,c Please note that rails_rcov has only been tested with a Bash shell, and any other environment could well explode in your face. If you're having trouble getting this to work on Windows, please take the time to figure out what's not working. Most of the time it boils down to the different ways the Window shell and the Bash shell escape metacharacters. Play around with the way rcov_rake escapes data (like on line 73, or 78) and send me a fix. I don't have a working Windows environment anymore, so leaving it up to me won't solve anything. ;-) == Resources === Subversion * === Blog * == Credits Written by Coda Hale. Thanks to Nils Franzen for a Win32 escaping patch. Thanks to Alex Wayne for suggesting how to make SHOW_ONLY not be useless.