ref: dockerize
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# ActsAsVoteable module Juixe module Acts #:nodoc: module Voteable #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # # Options: # :vote_counter # Model stores the sum of votes in the vote counter column when the value is true. This requires a column named `vote_total` in the table corresponding to `voteable` model. # You can also specify a custom vote counter column by providing a column name instead of a true/false value to this option (e.g., :vote_counter => :my_custom_counter.) # Note: Specifying a counter will add it to that model‘s list of readonly attributes using attr_readonly. # def acts_as_voteable options={} has_many :votes, :as => :voteable, :dependent => :destroy include Juixe::Acts::Voteable::InstanceMethods extend Juixe::Acts::Voteable::SingletonMethods if (options[:vote_counter]) Vote.send(:include, Juixe::Acts::Voteable::VoteCounterClassMethods) unless Vote.respond_to?(:vote_counters) Vote.vote_counters = [self] # define vote_counter_column instance method on voteable counter_column_name = (options[:vote_counter] == true) ? :vote_total : options[:vote_counter] class_eval <<-EOS def self.vote_counter_column # def self.vote_counter_column :"#{counter_column_name}" # :vote_total end # end def vote_counter_column self.class.vote_counter_column end EOS define_method(:reload_vote_counter) {reload(:select => vote_counter_column.to_s)} attr_readonly counter_column_name end end end # This module contains class methods Vote class module VoteCounterClassMethods def self.included(base) base.class_inheritable_array(:vote_counters) base.after_create { |record| record.update_vote_counters(1) } base.before_destroy { |record| record.update_vote_counters(-1) } end def update_vote_counters direction klass, vtbl = self.voteable.class, self.voteable klass.update_counters(, vtbl.vote_counter_column.to_sym => ( * direction) ) if self.vote_counters.any?{|c| c == klass} end end # This module contains class methods module SingletonMethods # Calculate the vote counts for all voteables of my type. # Options: # :start_at - Restrict the votes to those created after a certain time # :end_at - Restrict the votes to those created before a certain time # :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query # :limit - The maximum number of voteables to return # :order - A piece of SQL to order by. Two calculated columns `count`, and `total` # are available for sorting apart from other columns. Defaults to `total DESC`. # Eg: :order => 'count desc' # :order => 'total desc' # :order => 'post.created_at desc' # :at_least - Item must have at least X votes count # :at_most - Item may not have more than X votes count # :at_least_total - Item must have at least X votes total # :at_most_total - Item may not have more than X votes total def tally(options = {}) order("total DESC").all options_for_tally(options) end def options_for_tally (options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys :start_at, :end_at, :conditions, :at_least, :at_most, :order, :limit, :at_least_total, :at_most_total scope = scope(:find) start_at = sanitize_sql(["#{Vote.table_name}.created_at >= ?", options.delete(:start_at)]) if options[:start_at] end_at = sanitize_sql(["#{Vote.table_name}.created_at <= ?", options.delete(:end_at)]) if options[:end_at] if respond_to?(:vote_counter_column) # use the counter cache column if present. total_col = "#{table_name}.#{vote_counter_column}" at_least_total = sanitize_sql(["#{total_col} >= ?", options.delete(:at_least_total)]) if options[:at_least_total] at_most_total = sanitize_sql(["#{total_col} <= ?", options.delete(:at_most_total)]) if options[:at_most_total] end conditions = [ options[:conditions], at_least_total, at_most_total, start_at, end_at ] conditions = conditions.compact.join(' AND ') conditions = merge_conditions(conditions, scope[:conditions]) if scope type_and_context = "#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_type = #{quote_value(}" joins = ["LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Vote.table_name} ON #{table_name}.#{primary_key} = #{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id AND #{type_and_context}"] joins << scope[:joins] if scope && scope[:joins] at_least = sanitize_sql(["COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.id) >= ?", options.delete(:at_least)]) if options[:at_least] at_most = sanitize_sql(["COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.id) <= ?", options.delete(:at_most)]) if options[:at_most] at_least_total = at_most_total = nil # reset the values unless respond_to?(:vote_counter_column) # aggregate the votes when counter cache is absent. total_col = "SUM(#{Vote.table_name}.vote)" at_least_total = sanitize_sql(["#{total_col} >= ?", options.delete(:at_least_total)]) if options[:at_least_total] at_most_total = sanitize_sql(["#{total_col} <= ?", options.delete(:at_most_total)]) if options[:at_most_total] end having = [at_least, at_most, at_least_total, at_most_total].compact.join(' AND ') group_by = "#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id HAVING COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.id) > 0" group_by << " AND #{having}" unless having.blank? { :select => "#{table_name}.*, COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.id) AS count, #{total_col} AS total", :joins => joins.join(" "), :conditions => conditions, :group => group_by }.update(options) end end # This module contains instance methods module InstanceMethods def votes_for self.votes.where(vote: 1).count end def votes_against self.votes.where(vote: -1).count end # Same as voteable.votes.size def votes_count self.votes.size end def votes_total respond_to?(:vote_counter_column) ? send(self.vote_counter_column) : self.votes.sum(:vote) end def voters_who_voted self.votes.collect(&:voter) end def voted_by?(voter, for_or_against = "all") options = (for_or_against == "all") ? {} : {:vote => (for_or_against ? 1 : -1)} self.votes.exists?({:voter_id =>, :voter_type =>}.merge(options)) end end end end end |