ref: dockerize
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2010-03-08 ========== * Vote method in `acts_as_voter` model returns true upon success. 2010-02-21 ========== * Changed the `tally` method to add support for `at_least_total` and `at_most_total` parameters to filter by sum of votes. * Changed the `tally` method to add support for `total` column in :order paramter. 2010-02-20 ========== * Changed the data-type of the `vote` column in the `votes` table to integer type. * Added support for vote count caching at the `voteable` model. * Added new method `votes_total` on `voteable` model to return the sum of +ve and -ve votes * Optimized several methods in `voteable` model (`voters_who_voted`, `voted_by?`) * Cleaned the code to use associations instead of direct SQL 2009-02-11 ========== * Merge in xlash's bugfix for PostgreSQL and his has\_karma patch for multi-model support. 2008-12-02 ========== * Merge in maddox's README typo fix and his ActiveSupport.Dependency patch * Merge in nagybence's updates that make the code usable as a Gem in addition to being a Rails plugin. * Thanks for the bugfixes and proofreading, nagybence and maddox! * Updated the gemplugin support to be compatible with maddox and nagybence's changes. * Added details on the MyQuotable reference application. 2008-07-20 ========== * Protect against mass assignment misvotes using attr\_accessible * Update acts\_as mixins to use instead of the deprecated 2008-07-15 ========== * Added examples directory * Changed this file to markdown format for GitHub goodness * Added a commented out unique index in the migration generator for "one person, one vote" * Removed votes\_controller.rb from lib/ and moved to examples 2008-07-10 ========== * Added a generator class for the migration. * Implemented rails/init.rb * Implemented capability to use any model as the initiator of votes. * Implemented acts\_as\_voter methods. |