ref: dockerize
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Disco Dancing with XMPP There are many things one can do via XMPP. The list is endlist. But one thing that some forget about is discovering services a XMPP entity or server provides. In most cases a human or user does not care about this information and should not care. But you may have a website or web application that needs this information in order to decide what options to show to your users. You can do this very easily with JQuery, Strophe, and Punjab. We start with Punjab or a BOSH connection manager. This is needed so we can connect to a XMPP server. First, lets download punjab. svn co punjab After we have punjab go into the directory and install punjab. cd punjab python install Then create a .tac file to configure Punjab. See punjab.tac Next, we will need Strophe. Lets download thelatest version from svn too. cd /directory/where/you/configured/punjab/html svn co In your html directory you will then begin to create your disco browser. Version 1 we take the basic example and modify it to do disco. Version 2 we add anonymous login Version 3 we make it pretty Version 4 we add handlers for different services |