ref: dockerize
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/*The easing code was provided by George Smith. Please check out his site as without him this would look really horrible! */ jQuery.easing.jswing = jQuery.swing; jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing, { def: 'easeOutCubic', swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d); }, easeOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b; } }); /* 12/20/08 SliderJS Jquery plugin for smooth and pretty sliding divs Copyright (C) 2008 Jeremy Fry This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ jQuery.iSliderJS = { build : function(user_options) { var defaults = { direction:"horizontal", list_width: 6740, window_width: 500, window_height: 350, pikachoose: false }; return $(this).each(function(){ //declare variables. God knows I've missed half of them I'll use var options = $.extend(defaults, user_options); var acceleration = 0; var initx = 0; //intial var inity = 0; var movex = []; var downtime = 0; //wrap the list in a sliderjs div. $(this).wrap("<div class='sliderjs'></div>"); var $sliderul = $(this); var $sliderjs = $(this).parent("<div>"); var divcss = { width: options.window_width+"px", height: options.window_height+"px", overflow:"hidden", position:"relative" }; var ulcss = { position: "relative", width: options.list_width+"px" }; $sliderjs.css(divcss); $sliderul.css(ulcss); //TODO:add a scroll bar and buttons maybe. if($.browser.msie){ //$sliderjs.children().mousedown(function(){ return true;}); $sliderul.children().mousedown(function(){ return false;}); $sliderul.children().children().mousedown(function(){ return false;}); } //mouse fucntions for tosses $sliderjs.bind('selectstart', function() { return false; }); $sliderjs.bind("mousedown", function(e){ $sliderul.stop(); $sliderul.dequeue(); movex.splice(0); initx = e.pageX; var date = new Date(); downtime = date.getTime(); var xlen = 0; var ulinitx = $sliderul.position().left; $().bind("mousemove", function(e){ //track the mouse movements //duplicates cause some issues. Though moving only one direction would //cause this. it tends to be unintentional if(movex[xlen-1]!=e.pageX){ xlen = movex.push(e.pageX); } //keep trimming our array if(xlen>10){ movex.splice(0,6); xlen = movex.push(e.pageX); } //track direction of last three movements. if directions changes reset time if(movex.length>3){ if((movex[xlen-3]>=movex[xlen-2]) &&(movex[xlen-2]>=movex[xlen-1])){ }else if((movex[xlen-3]<=movex[xlen-2]) &&(movex[xlen-2]<=movex[xlen-1])){ }else{ //if we made it here the user has changed direction so now we need to reset the time //downtime = date.getTime(); } } //move the list around well the mouse is pressed var newleft = parseInt(ulinitx, 10)+parseInt((e.pageX-initx)/1.5, 10); if(newleft<((options.list_width*-1)+parseInt(options.window_width, 10)-50)){ newleft=((options.list_width*-1)+parseInt(options.window_width, 10)-50); } if(newleft>50){newleft=50;} //$('.pika_navigation').html(newleft); $sliderul.css("left",newleft+"px"); }); $().bind("mouseup", MeatAndPatatos); return false; }); function Animate(xvalue){ $sliderul.stop(); $sliderul.dequeue(); $sliderul.animate({ left:xvalue+"px" },1500,"easeOutCubic"); } //TODO: find a better name for this func... nevermind I like it function MeatAndPatatos(e){ $().unbind("mousemove"); $().unbind("mouseup", MeatAndPatatos); var date = new Date(); var uptime = date.getTime(); //calculate velocity... did math class just pay off? var velocity = (movex[movex.length-1]*100-movex[movex.length-2]*100)/(uptime-downtime); var distance = movex[movex.length-1]-movex[movex.length-2]; var negative = 1; //they're both negative when they get multiplied together we're going to end up with a positive if(distance<0){ negative = -1; } var ulinitx = $sliderul.position().left; var animateleft = parseInt(ulinitx, 10)+(velocity * distance * negative)/2; if(animateleft<(options.list_width*-1)+parseInt(options.window_width, 10)){ animateleft=(options.list_width*-1)+parseInt(options.window_width, 10); } //alert(animateleft); if(animateleft>0){animateleft=0;} //now that we have velocity figure out the distance to go and the time if(isNaN(animateleft)){}else{ Animate(animateleft); } } function MoveToLi(){ var pos = $(this).parent('li').position(); var width = $(this).css("width").slice(0,-2); var lileft = pos.left; var liright = parseInt(pos.left, 10)+parseInt(width, 10); var ulleft = $sliderul.position().left; //find out if the li is inside the viewable area //first find range of viewable values var low = ulleft*-1; var high = low+options.window_width; //is my li in that? if((lileft>=low)&&(liright<=high)){ //viewable we're gravy return; }else{ //uh oh! not viewable lets slide //find how far outside view we are var slide =0; if(lileft<low){ //i know it seems like we should subtract.. however we have //negatives people! (I'm really writing this for me so I don't change //it later. :( slide = parseInt(lileft, 10)*-1; }else{ slide = ((liright-high)*-1)+parseInt(ulleft, 10); } Animate(slide); } } if(options.pikachoose){ var $lis = $sliderul.children('li'); $lis.children().bind("click", MoveToLi); } }); } }; jQuery.fn.SliderJS =; |