ref: dockerize
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/* 1/13/2009 PikaChoose Jquery plugin for photo galleries Copyright (C) 2009 Jeremy Fry This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ jQuery.iPikaChoose = { build : function(user_options) { var user_options; var defaults = { show_captions: true, slide_enabled: true, auto_play: true, show_prev_next: true, slide_speed: 5000, thumb_width: 50, thumb_height: 42, buttons : { play: "Play", stop: "Stop", previous: "Previous", next: "Next" } }; return $(this).each( function() { //bring in options var options = $.extend(defaults, user_options); // grab our images var $images = $(this).children('li').children('img'); //hide the images so the user doesn't see crap $images.fadeOut(1); //save our list for future ref var $ulist = $(this); $images.each(LoadImages); //start building structure $(this).before("<div class='pika_main'></div>"); // houses eveything about the UL var $main_div = $(this).prev(".pika_main"); //add in slideshow elements when appropriate if(options.slide_enabled){ $main_div.append("<div class='pika_play'></div>"); var $play_div = $(this).prev(".pika_main").children(".pika_play"); $play_div.html("<a class='pika_play_button'>" + + "</a><a class='pika_stop_button'>" + options.buttons.stop + "</a>"); $play_div.fadeOut(1); var $play_anchor = $play_div.children('a:first'); var $stop_anchor = $play_div.children('a:last'); } //this div is used to make image and caption fade together $main_div.append("<div class='pika_subdiv'></div>"); var $sub_div = $main_div.children(".pika_subdiv"); //the main image we'll be using to load $sub_div.append("<img />"); var $main_img = $sub_div.children("img"); //create the caption div when appropriate if(options.show_captions){ $sub_div.append("<div class='pika_caption'></div>"); var $caption_div = $sub_div.children(".pika_caption"); } //navigation div ALWAYS gets created, its refrenced a lot $(this).after("<div class='pika_navigation'></div>"); var $navigation_div = $(this).next(".pika_navigation"); //fill in sub elements $navigation_div.prepend("<a>" + options.buttons.previous + "</a> :: <a>" + + "</a>"); var $previous_image_anchor = $navigation_div.children('a:first'); var $next_image_anchor = $navigation_div.children('a:last'); //hide the navigation if the user doesn't want it if(!options.show_prev_next){ $navigation_div.css("display","none"); } //$playing triggers the loop for the slideshow var $playing = options.auto_play; $main_img.wrap("<a></a>"); var $main_link = $main_img.parent("a"); function LoadImages(){ $(this).bind("load", function(){ //had to make a seperate function so that the thumbnails wouldn't have problems //from beings resized before loaded, thus not h/w var $w = $(this).width(); var $h = $(this).height(); if($w===0){$w = $(this).attr("width");} if($h===0){$h = $(this).attr("height");} //grab a ratio for image to user defined settings var $rw = options.thumb_width/$w; var $rh = options.thumb_height/$h; //determine which has the smallest ratio (thus needing //to be the side we use to scale so our whole thumb is filled) if($rw<$rh){ //we'll use ratio later to scale and not distort var $ratio = $rh; var $left = (($w*$ratio-options.thumb_width)/2)*-1; $left = Math.round($left); //set images left offset to match $(this).css({left:$left}); }else{ var $ratio = $rw; //you can uncoment this lines to have the vertical picture centered //but usually tall photos have the focal point at the top... //var $top = (($h*$ratio-options.thumb_height)/2)*-1; //var $top = Math.round($top); $top = 0; $(this).css({top:$top}); } //use those ratios to calculate scale var $width = Math.round($w*$ratio); var $height = Math.round($h*$ratio); $(this).css("position","relative"); $(this).width($width).height($height); var imgcss={ width: $width, height: $height }; $(this).css(imgcss); $(this).fadeTo(250,0.4); if($(this).hasClass('pika_first')){ $(this).trigger("click",["auto"]); } }); //clone so the on loads will fire correctly $(this).clone(true).insertAfter(this); $(this).remove(); //reset images to the clones $images = $ulist.children('li').children('img'); } function activate(){ //sets the intial phase for everything //image_click is controls the fading $images.bind("click",image_click); //hiding refrence to slide elements if slide is disabled if(options.slide_enabled){ if(options.auto_play){ $playing = true; $play_anchor.hide(); $; }else{ $; $stop_anchor.hide(); } } //resizes and centers thumbs prep_thumbs(); //previous link to go back an image $previous_image_anchor.bind("click",previous_image); //ditto for forward, also the item that gets auto clicked for slideshow $next_image_anchor.bind("click",next_image); }//end activate function function prep_thumbs(){ //now we know the first and last images $images.filter(":last").addClass("pika_last"); $images.filter(":first").addClass("pika_first"); //parse images $images.each(function(){ var licss = { width: options.thumb_width+"px", height: options.thumb_height+"px", "list-style": "none", overflow: "hidden" }; $(this).parent('li').css(licss); $(this).hover( function(){$(this).fadeTo(250,1);}, function(){if(!$(this).hasClass("pika_selected")){$(this).fadeTo(250,0.4);}} ); }); }//end fix thumbs functions function image_click(event, how){ //catch when user clicks on an image Then cancel current slideshow if(how!="auto"){ if(options.slide_enabled){ $stop_anchor.hide(); $; $playing=false; } $sub_div.stop(); $sub_div.dequeue(); } //all our image variables var $image_source = $(this).attr("src"); var $image_link = $(this).attr("ref"); var $image_caption = $(this).attr("title"); //fade out the old thumb $images.filter(".pika_selected").fadeTo(250,0.4); $images.filter(".pika_selected").removeClass("pika_selected"); //fade in the new thumb $(this).fadeTo(250,1); $(this).addClass("pika_selected"); //fade the old image out and the new one in $sub_div.fadeTo(500,0.05,function(){ $main_img.attr("src",$image_source); $main_link.attr("href", $image_link); if(options.show_captions){$caption_div.html($image_caption);} }); $sub_div.fadeTo(800,1,function(){ if($playing){ $(this).animate({top:0},options.slide_speed, function(){ //redudency needed here to catch the user clicking on an image during a change. if($playing){$next_image_anchor.trigger("click",["auto"]);} }); } }); }//end image_click function function next_image(event, how){ if($images.filter(".pika_selected").hasClass("pika_last")){ $images.filter(":first").trigger("click",how); }else{ $images.filter(".pika_selected").parent('li').next('li').children('img').trigger("click",how); } }//end next image function function previous_image(event, how){ if($images.filter(".pika_selected").hasClass("pika_first")){ $images.filter(":last").trigger("click",how); }else{ $images.filter(".pika_selected").parent('li').prev('li').children('img').trigger("click",how); } }//end previous image function function play_button(){ $main_div.hover( function(){$play_div.fadeIn(400);}, function(){$play_div.fadeOut(400);} ); $play_anchor.bind("click", function(){ $playing = true; $next_image_anchor.trigger("click",["auto"]); $(this).hide(); $; }); $stop_anchor.bind("click", function(){ $playing = false; $(this).hide(); $; }); } if(options.slide_enabled){play_button();} activate(); });//end return this.each }//end build function //activate applies the appropriate actions to all the different parts of the structure. //and loads the sets the first image };//end jquery.ipikachoose jQuery.fn.PikaChoose =; |