ref: dockerize
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module("tinymce.plugins.SearchReplace", { setupModule: function() { QUnit.stop(); tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea", plugins: "searchreplace", elements: "elm1", add_unload_trigger: false, skin: false, indent: false, disable_nodechange: true, valid_elements: 'b,i', init_instance_callback : function(ed) { window.editor = ed; window.setTimeout(function() { QUnit.start(); }, 0); } }); } }); test('Find no match', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a'; equal(0, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('x')); }); test('Find single match', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a'; equal(1, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a')); }); test('Find single match in multiple elements', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 't<b>e</b><i>xt</i>'; equal(1, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('text')); }); test('Find single match, match case: true', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a A'; equal(1, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('A', true)); }); test('Find single match, whole words: true', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a Ax'; equal(1, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a', false, true)); }); test('Find multiple matches', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a b A'; equal(2, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a')); }); test('Find and replace single match', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a'; editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a'); ok(!editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('x')); equal("<p>x</p>", editor.getContent()); }); test('Find and replace first in multiple matches', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a b a'; editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a'); ok(editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('x')); equal("<p>x b a</p>", editor.getContent()); }); test('Find and replace all in multiple matches', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a b a'; editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a'); ok(!editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('x', true, true)); equal("<p>x b x</p>", editor.getContent()); }); test('Find multiple matches, move to next and replace', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a a'; equal(2, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a'));; ok(!editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('x')); equal("<p>a x</p>", editor.getContent()); }); test('Find and replace fragmented match', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = '<b>te<i>s</i>t</b><b>te<i>s</i>t</b>'; editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('test'); ok(editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('abc')); equal(editor.getContent(), "<p><b>abc</b><b>te<i>s</i>t</b></p>"); }); test('Find and replace all fragmented matches', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = '<b>te<i>s</i>t</b><b>te<i>s</i>t</b>'; editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('test'); ok(!editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('abc', true, true)); equal(editor.getContent(), "<p><b>abc</b><b>abc</b></p>"); }); test('Find multiple matches, move to next and replace backwards', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a a'; equal(2, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a'));; ok(editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('x', false)); ok(!editor.plugins.searchreplace.replace('y', false)); equal("<p>y x</p>", editor.getContent()); }); test('Find multiple matches and unmark them', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'a b a'; equal(2, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('a')); editor.plugins.searchreplace.done(); equal('a', editor.selection.getContent()); equal(0, editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('span').length); }); test('Find multiple matches with pre blocks', function() { editor.getBody().innerHTML = 'abc<pre> abc </pre>abc'; equal(3, editor.plugins.searchreplace.find('b')); equal(Utils.normalizeHtml(editor.getBody().innerHTML), ( 'a<span class="mce-match-marker mce-match-marker-selected" data-mce-bogus="1" data-mce-index="0">b</span>c' + '<pre> a<span class="mce-match-marker" data-mce-bogus="1" data-mce-index="1">b</span>c </pre>' + 'a<span class="mce-match-marker" data-mce-bogus="1" data-mce-index="2">b</span>c' )); }); |