ref: dockerize
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JSCovFileReporter = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function () { _.bindAll(this); = '<tr class="{class}"><td class="line">{line_number}</td><td class="hits">{count}</td><td class="source">'; this.close = '</td></tr>'; this.coverObject = this.options.coverObject; this.error = 0; this.pass = 0; = 0; }, // substitute credits: MooTools substitute: function(string, object){ return string.replace(/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g, function(match, name){ if (match.charAt(0) == '\\') return match.slice(1); return (object[name] !== null) ? object[name] : ''; }); }, generateClose: function(count){ return this.substitute(this.close, { count: count }); }, generateOpen: function(hit_count, line_number){ return this.substitute(, { 'count': hit_count, 'line_number': line_number, 'class': hit_count ? 'hit' : 'miss' }); }, report: function () { var thisview = this; var i, l, k; var code = this.coverObject.__code; // generate array of all tokens var codez = []; for (i = 0, l = code.length; i < l; i++){ codez.push({ pos: i, value: code.slice(i, i + 1) }); } // CoverObject has keys like "12:200" which means from char 12 to 200 // This orders all first gaps in a list of dictionaries to ease drawing table lines var gaps = Object.keys(this.coverObject); gaps = _.without(gaps, '__code'); var first_gaps =, function ( gap ) { return { gap: parseInt(gap.split(':')[0], 10), hit_count: thisview.coverObject[gap] }; }).sort(function (a, b) { if (a['gap'] > b['gap']) return 1; if (b['gap'] > a['gap']) return -1; return 0; }); var second_gaps =, function ( gap ) { return { gap: parseInt(gap.split(':')[1], 10), hit_count: thisview.coverObject[gap] }; }).sort(function (a, b) { if (a['gap'] > b['gap']) return 1; if (b['gap'] > a['gap']) return -1; return 0; }); // If it doesn't start from 0 it's because there are comments in the beginning // We add a initial gap with one hit if (first_gaps[0] !== 0) { first_gaps.splice(0, 0, {gap: 0, hit_count: 1}); } var result = ''; var number_trailing_whitespaces = 0; var trailing_whitespaces = ''; // We will go from one gap to the next wrapping them in table lines for (i=0, l = first_gaps.length; i < l; i++){ var hit_count = first_gaps[i]['hit_count'];; if (hit_count) this.pass++; else this.error++; var limit = null; if (i+1 >= l) { limit = codez.length; } else { limit = first_gaps[i+1]['gap']; } // Table line opening result += this.generateOpen(hit_count,; // Add trailing white space if it existed from previous line without carriage returns if (number_trailing_whitespaces > 0 ) { result += trailing_whitespaces.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); } // Add lines of code without initial white spaces, and replacing conflictive chars result +=[i]['gap'], limit), function (loc) { return loc['value']; }).join('').trimLeft().replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>'); // Count trailing white spaces for future line, then remove them var matches = result.match(/(\s+)$/); result = result.trimRight(); if (matches !== null) { number_trailing_whitespaces = matches[0].length; trailing_whitespaces = matches[0]; } else { number_trailing_whitespaces = 0; } // Generate table line closing result += this.generateClose(hit_count); } return result; } }); JSCovReporter = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function () { this.coverObject = this.options.coverObject; // Generate the report; // Activate reporter.js scrolling UX onload(); }, report: function () { var result = ''; var index = ''; for (var file in this.coverObject) { var fileReporter = new JSCovFileReporter({ coverObject: this.coverObject[file] }); var fileReport =; var percentage = Math.round(fileReporter.pass / * 100); this.error += fileReporter.error; this.pass += fileReporter.pass; +=; var type_coverage = "high"; if (percentage < 75 && percentage >= 50) { type_coverage = 'medium'; } else if (percentage < 50 && percentage >= 25) { type_coverage = 'low'; } else if (percentage < 25) { type_coverage = 'terrible'; } // Title result += '<h2 id="' + file + '" class="file-title">' + file + '</h2>'; // Stats result += '<div class="stats ' + type_coverage + '"><div class="percentage">'+ percentage + '%</div>'; result += '<div class="sloc">' + + '</div><div class="hits">' + fileReporter.pass + '</div>'; result += '<div class="misses">' + fileReporter.error + '</div></div>'; // Report result += '<div class="file-report">'; result += '<table id="source"><tbody>' + fileReport + '</tbody></table>'; result += '</div>'; // Menu index index += '<li><span class="cov ' + type_coverage + '">' + percentage + '</span><a href="#' + file+ '">' + file + '</a></li>'; } $('#coverage').html(result); $('#menu').html('<ul id="toc">' + index + '</ul>'); } }); |