ref: dockerize
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class SuppliersPlugin::ProductController < MyProfileController include SuppliersPlugin::TranslationHelper no_design_blocks protect 'edit_profile', :profile serialization_scope :view_context helper SuppliersPlugin::TranslationHelper helper SuppliersPlugin::DisplayHelper def index end def create supplier = SuppliersPlugin::Supplier.find params[:product][:supplier_id] base_product = base_product_params params! @product = base_product.distribute_to_consumer profile, distributed_product_params(params) render json: @product.reload, serializer: SuppliersPlugin::ProductSerializer end def edit @product = profile.products.supplied.find params[:id] @product.update params.require(:product).permit(:name, :description, :product_category_id, :margin_percentage, :available, :unit_id, :supplier_price) render json: @product.reload, serializer: SuppliersPlugin::ProductSerializer end def set_image params[:image_builder] = {uploaded_data: params[:image_builder]} if params[:image_builder].present? @product = profile.products.supplied.find params[:id] @product.update params.permit(image_builder: [:uploaded_data]) render json: @product, serializer: SuppliersPlugin::ProductSerializer end def unavailable params[:available] = 'false' respond_to do |format| format.js{ render partial: 'suppliers_plugin/product/search' } end end def import if params[:csv].present? if params[:remove_all_suppliers] == 'true' profile.suppliers.except_self.find_each(batch_size: 40){ |s| s.delay.destroy } end SuppliersPlugin::Import.delay.products profile, params[:csv].read respond_to{ |format| format.js{ render nothing: true } } end end def destroy @product = SuppliersPlugin::DistributedProduct.find params[:id] @product.destroy render text: t('controllers.myprofile.product_controller.product_removed_succe') end def distribute_to_consumers params[:consumers] ||= {} @product = profile.products.find params[:id] @consumers = profile.consumers.find(params[:consumers].keys.to_a).collect(&:profile) to_add = @consumers - @product.consumers to_remove = @product.consumers - @consumers to_add.each{ |c| @product.distribute_to_consumer c } to_remove = to_remove.to_set @product.to_products.each{ |p| p.destroy if to_remove.include? p.profile } @product.reload end def activate ret = Product.where(id: params[:ids]).update_all(available: true) render text: ret > 0 ? "success" : "fail" end def deactivate ret = Product.where(id: params[:ids]).update_all(available: false) render text: ret > 0 ? "success" : "fail" end def categories @categories = environment.product_categories.where("LOWER(name) like ?", "%#{params[:query].downcase}%") render json: @categories, each_serializer: SuppliersPlugin::ProductCategorySerializer end def createAllocation @product = profile.products.find params[:product_id] @product.update_attribute(:use_stock, params[:use_stock] == 'true') if params[:use_stock].present? if params[:place_id].nil? && @product.stock_places.count > 0 params[:place_id] = end m = params[:stock_action] == "adition" ? 1 : -1 if params[:use_stock] == 'true' a = @product.stock_allocations.create!( quantity: m * params[:quantity].to_f.abs, description: params[:description], place_id: params[:place_id] ) render text: "fail" if !a end render json: @product end protected def base_product_params params params[:price] = params[:supplier_price] params.require(:product).permit(:product_category_id, :description, :name, :available, :price, :image_id, :unit_id) end def distributed_product_params params params.require(:product).permit(:product_category_id, :description, :name, :available, :price, :image_id, :margin_percentage, :use_stock, :initial_stock, :unit_id) end extend HMVC::ClassMethods hmvc SuppliersPlugin # inherit routes from core skipping use_relative_controller! def url_for options options[:controller] = "/#{options[:controller]}" if options.is_a? Hash and options[:controller] and not options[:controller].to_s.starts_with? '/' super options end helper_method :url_for end |