ref: dockerize
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require_dependency 'person' class StoaPlugin < Noosfero::Plugin def self.plugin_name "Stoa" end def self.plugin_description _("Add Stoa features") end def stylesheet? true end def signup_extra_contents proc { content_tag(:div, labelled_form_field(_('USP number'), text_field(:profile_data, :usp_id, :id => 'usp_id_field')) + content_tag(:small, _('The usp id grants you special powers in the network. Don\'t forget to fill it with a valid number if you have one.'), :id => 'usp-id-balloon') + content_tag('p', _("Either this usp number is being used by another user or is not valid"), :id => 'usp-id-invalid') + content_tag('p', _('Checking usp number...'), :id => 'usp-id-checking'), :id => 'signup-usp-id') + content_tag('div', required(labelled_form_field(_('Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd)'), text_field_tag('birth_date', ''))) + content_tag(:small, _('Confirm your birth date. Pay attention to the format: yyyy-mm-dd.'), :id => 'usp-birth-date-balloon'), :id => 'signup-birth-date', :style => 'display: none') + content_tag('div', required(labelled_form_field(_('CPF'), text_field_tag('cpf', ''))) + content_tag(:small, _('Confirm your CPF number.'), :id => 'usp-cpf-balloon'), :id => 'signup-cpf', :style => 'display: none') + javascript_include_tag('plugins/stoa/javascripts/jquery.observe_field', 'plugins/stoa/javascripts/signup_complement') } end def profile_info_extra_contents if context.profile.person? usp_id = context.profile.usp_id lambda { content_tag('div', labelled_form_field(_('USP number'), text_field_tag('profile_data[usp_id]', usp_id, :id => 'usp_id_field', :disabled => usp_id.present?)) + content_tag(:small, _('The usp id grants you special powers in the network. Don\'t forget to fill it if you have one.')) + content_tag('div', labelled_check_box(c_('Public'), '', '', false, :disabled => true, :title => _('This field must be private'), :class => 'disabled'), :class => 'field-privacy-selector'), :class => 'field-with-privacy-selector') + content_tag('div', required(labelled_form_field(_('Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd)'), text_field_tag('birth_date', ''))), :id => 'signup-birth-date', :style => 'display: none') + content_tag('div', required(labelled_form_field(_('CPF'), text_field_tag('cpf', ''))), :id => 'signup-cpf', :style => 'display:none') + javascript_include_tag('plugins/stoa/javascripts/jquery.observe_field', 'plugins/stoa/javascripts/signup_complement') } end end def login_extra_contents proc { content_tag('div', labelled_form_field(_('USP number / Username'), text_field_tag('usp_id_login', '', :id => 'stoa_field_login')) + labelled_form_field(c_('Password'), password_field_tag('password', '', :id => 'stoa_field_password')), :id => 'stoa-login-fields') } end def alternative_authentication person = Person.find_by usp_id: context.params[:usp_id_login] if person user = User.authenticate(person.user.login, context.params[:password]) else user = User.authenticate(context.params[:usp_id_login], context.params[:password]) end user end def account_controller_filters block = proc do params[:profile_data] ||= {} params[:profile_data][:invitation_code] = params[:invitation_code] invitation = Task.pending.where(code: params[:invitation_code]).first if if !invitation && !StoaPlugin::UspUser.matches?(params[:profile_data][:usp_id], params[:confirmation_field], params[params[:confirmation_field]]) # `self` below is evaluated in the context of account_controller @person = => self.environment) @person.errors.add(:usp_id, _(' validation failed')) render :action => :signup end end end [{ :type => 'before_filter', :method_name => 'validate_usp_id', :options => {:only => 'signup'}, :block => block }] end def profile_editor_controller_filters block = proc do if if !params[:profile_data][:usp_id].blank? && !StoaPlugin::UspUser.matches?(params[:profile_data][:usp_id], params[:confirmation_field], params[params[:confirmation_field]]) @profile_data = profile @profile_data.attributes = params[:profile_data] @profile_data.valid? @profile_data.errors.add(:usp_id, _(' validation failed')) @profile_data.usp_id = nil @possible_domains = profile.possible_domains render :action => :edit end end end [{ :type => 'before_filter', :method_name => 'validate_usp_id', :options => {:only => 'edit'}, :block => block }] end def invite_controller_filters [{ :type => 'before_filter', :method_name => 'check_usp_id_existence', :block => proc {render_access_denied if !user || user.usp_id.blank?} }] end def control_panel_buttons { :title => c_('Invite friends'), :icon => 'invite-friends', :url => {:controller => 'invite', :action => 'invite_friends'} } if context.send(:user) && context.send(:user).usp_id.present? end def remove_invite_friends_button true end def change_password_fields {:field => :usp_id, :name => _('USP Number'), :model => 'person'} end def search_friend_fields [{:field => :usp_id, :name => _('USP Number')}] end end |