ref: dockerize
README - Statistics (Statistics Plugin) ================================ Statistics is a plugin to allow the user adds a block where you could see statistics of it's context. The Statistics block will be available for all layout columns of communities, peole, enterprises and environments. INSTALL ======= Enable Plugin ------------- Also, you need to enable Statistics Plugin at you Noosfero: cd./script/noosfero-plugins enable statistics Active Plugin ------------- As a Noosfero administrator user, go to administrator panel: - Click on "Enable/disable plugins" option - Click on "Statistics Plugin" check-box Running Statistics tests -------------------- $ rake test:noosfero_plugins:statistics Get Involved ============ If you found any bug and/or want to collaborate, please send an e-mail to LICENSE ======= Copyright (c) The Author developers. See Noosfero license. AUTHORS ======= Eduardo Tourinho Edington (eduardo.edington at ACKNOWLEDGMENTS =============== The author has been supported by Serpro