ref: dockerize
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if defined? ProductsPlugin require_dependency 'products_plugin/product' module ProductsPlugin class Product SEARCH_FILTERS[:order].unshift 'relevance' SEARCH_FILTERS[:order] << 'closest' after_save_reindex [:enterprise], with: :delayed_job # overwrite on subclasses def solr_index? true end def solr_boost boost = 1; SolrPlugin::Boosts.each do |b| boost = boost * (1 - ((1 - b[2].call(self)) * b[1])) end boost end protected alias_method :solr_ac_name, :name alias_method :solr_ac_category, :category_name def solr_supplier values = [, self.profile.short_name] values.concat [, self.supplier.name_abbreviation] if defined? SuppliersPlugin values end def solr_ac_supplier self.solr_supplier end def solr_f_category end def solr_f_region self.enterprise.region_id.to_s end def self.solr_f_region_proc *args Profile.solr_f_region_proc *args end def self.solr_f_qualifier_proc facet, id_count_arr ids, qualis_hash, certs_hash = {}, {}, {} id_count_arr.each do |id, count| array = id.split ' ' ids[array[0]] = array[1] end Qualifier.find(ids.keys).each{ |q| qualis_hash[] = } Certifier.find(ids.values.compact).each{ |c| certs_hash[] = } count_hash = Hash[id_count_arr] do |qid, cid| id = "#{qid} #{cid}" qualifier = qualis_hash[qid] certifier = certs_hash[cid] name = certifier ? [qualifier, _(' cert. ') + certifier] : qualifier [id, name, count_hash[id]] end end def solr_f_qualifier do |pq| "#{pq.qualifier_id} #{pq.certifier_id}" end end def solr_category_filter enterprise.categories_including_virtual_ids << product_category_id end def solr_is_public # environment.products only consider enterprises self.public? and self.profile.enterprise? end def solr_available_sortable if self.available then '1' else '0' end end def solr_highlighted_sortable if self.highlighted then '1' else '0' end end def solr_name_sortable # give a different name for solr name end def solr_price_sortable (price.nil? or ? nil : price end def solr_unarchived !self.archived end extend SolrPlugin::ActsAsSearchable extend SolrPlugin::ActsAsFaceted acts_as_faceted fields: { solr_f_category: {label: _('Related products'), context_criteria: -> { !empty_search? } }, solr_f_region: {label: c_('City'), proc: method(:solr_f_region_proc).to_proc}, solr_f_qualifier: {label: c_('Qualifiers'), proc: method(:solr_f_qualifier_proc).to_proc}, }, category_query: -> (c) { "solr_category_filter:#{}" }, order: [:solr_f_category, :solr_f_region, :solr_f_qualifier] SolrPlugin::Boosts = [ [:highlighted, 0.9, -> (p) { if p.highlighted and p.available then 1 else 0 end }], [:available, 0.9, -> (p) { if p.available then 1 else 0 end }], [:image, 0.55, -> (p) { if p.image then 1 else 0 end }], [:qualifiers, 0.45, -> (p) { if p.product_qualifiers.count > 0 then 1 else 0 end }], [:open_price, 0.45, -> (p) { if p.price_described? then 1 else 0 end }], [:solidarity, 0.45, -> (p) { p.percentage_from_solidarity_economy[0].to_f/100 }], [:price, 0.35, -> (p) { if (!p.price.nil? and p.price > 0) then 1 else 0 end }], [:new_product, 0.35, -> (p) { if (p.updated_at.to_i - p.created_at.to_i) < 24*3600 then 1 else 0 end }], [:description, 0.3, -> (p) { if !p.description.blank? then 1 else 0 end }], [:enabled, 0.2, -> (p) { if p.enterprise and p.enterprise.enabled then 1 else 0 end }], ] acts_as_searchable fields: [ # searched fields {name: {type: :text, boost: 2.0}}, {solr_supplier: {type: :text}}, {description: :text}, {category_full_name: :text}, # filtered fields {solr_is_public: :boolean}, {environment_id: :integer}, {profile_id: :integer}, {enabled: :boolean}, {solr_category_filter: :integer}, {available: :boolean}, {archived: :boolean}, {highlighted: :boolean}, {solr_unarchived: :boolean}, # fields for autocompletion {solr_ac_name: :ngram_text}, {solr_ac_category: :ngram_text}, {solr_ac_supplier: {type: :ngram_text}}, # ordered/query-boosted fields {solr_available_sortable: :string}, {solr_highlighted_sortable: :string}, {solr_price_sortable: :decimal}, {solr_name_sortable: :string}, {lat: :float}, {lng: :float}, :updated_at, :created_at, ], include: [ {product_category: {fields: [:name, :path, :slug, :lat, :lng, :acronym, :abbreviation]}}, {region: {fields: [:name, :path, :slug, :lat, :lng]}}, {enterprise: {fields: [:name, :identifier, :address, :nickname, :lat, :lng]}}, {qualifiers: {fields: [:name]}}, {certifiers: {fields: [:name]}}, ], facets: self.solr_facets_options, boost: -> (p) { p.solr_boost }, if: -> (p) { p.solr_index? } end end ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks :solr_product end |