ref: dockerize
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require_dependency 'article' ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks :solr_article class Article SEARCH_FILTERS[:order] = [] # use for internationalizable human type names in search facets # reimplement on subclasses def self.type_name c_('Content') end def solr_comments_updated solr_save end def add_category_with_solr_save(c, reload=false) add_category_without_solr_save(c, reload) if !new_record? self.solr_save end end alias_method_chain :add_category, :solr_save def create_pending_categorizations_with_solr_save create_pending_categorizations_without_solr_save self.solr_save end alias_method_chain :create_pending_categorizations, :solr_save protected def self.solr_f_type_proc(facet, id_count_arr) do |type, count| [type, type.constantize.type_name, count] end end def self.solr_f_profile_type_proc facet, id_count_arr do |type, count| [type, type.constantize.type_name, count] end end def solr_f_type end def solr_f_profile_type end def solr_f_published_at self.published_at end def solr_f_category self.categories.collect(&:name) end def solr_is_public self.public? end def solr_category_filter categories_including_virtual_ids end def solr_name_sortable name end extend SolrPlugin::ActsAsSearchable extend SolrPlugin::ActsAsFaceted acts_as_faceted fields: { solr_f_type: {label: c_('Type'), proc: method(:solr_f_type_proc).to_proc}, solr_f_published_at: {type: :date, label: _('Published date'), queries: {'[* TO NOW-1YEARS/DAY]' => _("Older than one year"), '[NOW-1YEARS TO NOW/DAY]' => _("In the last year"), '[NOW-1MONTHS TO NOW/DAY]' => _("In the last month"), '[NOW-7DAYS TO NOW/DAY]' => _("In the last week"), '[NOW-1DAYS TO NOW/DAY]' => _("In the last day")}, queries_order: ['[NOW-1DAYS TO NOW/DAY]', '[NOW-7DAYS TO NOW/DAY]', '[NOW-1MONTHS TO NOW/DAY]', '[NOW-1YEARS TO NOW/DAY]', '[* TO NOW-1YEARS/DAY]']}, solr_f_profile_type: {label: c_('Profile'), proc: method(:solr_f_profile_type_proc).to_proc}, solr_f_category: {label: c_('Categories')}, }, category_query: -> (c) { "solr_category_filter:\"#{}\"" }, order: [:solr_f_type, :solr_f_published_at, :solr_f_profile_type, :solr_f_category] acts_as_searchable fields: [ # searched fields {name: {type: :text, boost: 2.0}}, {slug: :text}, {body: :text}, {abstract: :text}, {filename: :text}, # filtered fields {solr_is_public: :boolean}, {published: :boolean}, {environment_id: :integer}, {profile_id: :integer}, :language, {solr_category_filter: :integer}, # ordered/query-boosted fields {lat: :float}, {lng: :float}, {solr_name_sortable: :string}, :last_changed_by_id, :published_at, :is_image, :updated_at, :created_at, ], include: [ {profile: {fields: [:name, :identifier, :address, :nickname, :region_id, :lat, :lng]}}, {comments: {fields: [:title, :body, :author_name, :author_email]}}, {categories: {fields: [:name, :path, :slug, :lat, :lng, :acronym, :abbreviation]}}, ], facets: self.solr_facets_options, boost: -> (a) { 10 if a.profile && a.profile.enabled }, if: -> (a) { not ['RssFeed'] } end |