ref: dockerize
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Feature: search As a noosfero user I want to search In order to find stuff Background: Given the search index is empty And the following category | name | | social network | And the following community | identifier | name | category | img | | noosfero | Noosfero Community | social-network | noosfero-network | Scenario: search communities by category Given the following category | name | | Software Livre | And the following community | identifier | name | category | | noos-comm | Noosfero Community | software-livre | When I go to the search communities page And I fill in "search-input" with "software livre" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Noosfero" within "#search-results" Scenario: see category facets when searching Given the following categories as facets | name | | Temáticas | And the following category | name | parent | | Software Livre | tematicas | And the following community | identifier | name | category | | linux | Linux Community | software-livre | When I go to the search communities page And I fill in "search-input" with "Linux" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Temáticas" within "#facets-menu" Scenario: find communities without exact query Given the following communities | identifier | name | | luwac | Linux Users Without a Clue | When I go to the search communities page And I fill in "search-input" with "Linux Clue" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Linux Users Without a Clue" within "#search-results" Scenario: filter communities by facet Given the following categories as facets | name | | Temáticas | And the following category | name | parent | | Software Livre | tematicas | | Big Brother | tematicas | And the following communities | identifier | name | category | | noos-dev | Noosfero Developers | software-livre | | facebook | Facebook Developers | big-brother | When I go to the search communities page And I fill in "search-input" with "Developers" And I press "Search" And I follow "Software Livre" within "#facets-menu" Then I should see "Noosfero Developers" within "#search-results" And I should not see "Facebook Developers" # facet should also be de-selectable When I follow "remove facet" within ".facet-selected" Then I should see "Facebook Developers" Scenario: remember facet filter when searching new query Given the following categories as facets | name | | Temáticas | And the following category | name | parent | | Software Livre | tematicas | | Other Category | tematicas | And the following communities | identifier | name | category | | noos-dev | Noosfero Developers | software-livre | | rails-dev | Rails Developers | other-category | | rails-usr | Rails Users | software-livre | When I go to the search communities page And I fill in "search-input" with "Developers" And I press "Search" And I follow "Software Livre" within "#facets-menu" And I fill in "search-input" with "Rails" And I press "Search" Then I should see "Rails Users" within "#search-results" And I should not see "Rails Developers" |