ref: dockerize
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README - Social Statistcs (Social Statistics Plugin) ================================ Social Statistics is a plugin that provides custom Noosfero's network graphs and checks. It comes with a default set of queries and dashboards but can be customized through the web interface with new ones. This plugins is a wrapper for the blazer gem. INSTALL ======= Dependencies ----------- This plugin depends on the following gems: * blazer * chartkick * safely\_block * errbase This gems are packaged (debian packages) and available on Noosfero's repository. If you have this repository properly configured the `script/debian-install.rb` should do all the work and install this dependencies on its own. If you want to install them manually you can do it as well: ``` # apt-get install ruby-errbase ruby-safely-block ruby-chartkick ruby-blazer ``` Configuration ------------- This plugin needs a configuration file that define all of its basic behavior. This configuration file should be created on `config/blazer.yml`. You may copy `config/blazer.yml.dist` as a starting point since it also defines necessary configurations for the default queries. If you are using this plugin on production environment should be concerned with the `data_sources[main][url]` option which defines the url for database connection. This url may be passed as an environment variable (as it is used in the `config/blazer.yml.dist` file) or be added directly on the `config/blazer.yml` file. This configuration follows the following format: ``` postgres://user:password@hostname:5432/database ``` Another thing you should also be aware on production setups is the use of a read-only database user for security reasons. Although accesses to the database are treated by the gem, any vulnerability bug may expose your database to an attacker. In order to have a higher level of security you should create a specific user with read-only permissions to access the database for this plugin. On Postgresql, this can be done with the following code: ``` BEGIN; CREATE ROLE blazer LOGIN PASSWORD 'secret123'; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE database_name TO blazer; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO blazer; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO blazer; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO blazer; COMMIT; ``` You can check how to setup this user on different databases here: Theme Customization ------------------- This plugin extends Blazer's layout file to allow a Noosfero environment theme to customize its appearance. To use this customization, create a folder named "blazer" inside your theme folder and use the following files: * style.css * header.html.erb * footer.html.erb Enable Plugin ------------- To enable this plugin do: cd <your_noosfero_dir> ./script/noosfero-plugins enable social\_statistics Activate Plugin ------------- As a Noosfero administrator user, go to administrator panel: - Click on "Plugins" option - Click on "Social Statistics" check-box - Save the changes DEVELOPMENT =========== Get Noosfero's development repository: $ git clone Running tests -------------------- $ rake test:noosfero\_plugins:social\_statistics Get Involved ============ If you found any bug and/or want to collaborate, please send an e-mail to LICENSE ======= Copyright (c) The Author developers. See Noosfero license. AUTHORS ======= Rodrigo Souto (rodrigo at |