ref: dockerize


h1. SendEmailPlugin

Allows to send e-mails through an e-mail form.

h2. Usage

* Create a HTML form using RawHTMLBlock that invokes the {sendemail} action
* Add a "to" and "message" field and a submit button
* Make sure to fill in allowed 'to' addresses in plugin settings

h2. HTML form

h3. Form action

You should use {sendemail} macro as form action, it will be expanded as:

* */profile/<identifier>/plugin/send_email/deliver* in profile context
* */plugin/send_email/deliver* in environment context

h3. 'Subject' field

Subject of message.

(default: 'New mail')

h3. 'Message' field

Body of message.


h3. 'To' field

Target address. Accepts multiple addresses separated by comma.


h3. extra fields

Each other params in HTML form will compose message body in a format "key: value"

h3. Example

To: Subject: Message:
h2. Options h3. Using ajax Ajax is supported using #ajax-form as id of HTML form. Example:
To: Subject: Message:
h2. Info This plugin was inspired by "Foswiki SendEmailPlugin":