ref: dockerize
- pending_tasks_count = if user li.dropdown = link_to '#', id: "homepage-link", title: _('Go to your homepage'), class: 'dropdown-toggle', data: {toggle: 'dropdown', hover: 'dropdown'} = image_tag user.profile_custom_image(:portrait), class: 'menu-user-gravatar' = content_tag :strong, user.identifier - if pending_tasks_count span class='badge' onclick="document.location='#{url_for user.tasks_url}'" title="#{_("Manage your pending tasks")}" = pending_tasks_count ul class='dropdown-menu' role='menu' li = link_to user.url, id: 'homepage-link', title: _('Go to your homepage') span class='icon-person' = _('Profile') li.divider /TODO /= render_environment_features(:usermenu) li = admin_link li = link_to user.admin_url, class: 'ctrl-panel', title: _("Configure your personal account and content") i class='icon-menu-ctrl-panel' strong = _('Control panel') - if environment.enabled? 'xmpp_chat' = responsive_chat_user_status_menu 'icon-menu-offline', _('Offline') li = manage_enterprises li = manage_communities li.divider li = link_to({controller: 'account', action: 'logout'}, id: "logout", title: _("Leave the system")) i class='icon-menu-logout' strong = _('Logout')