ref: dockerize
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Feature: push notification user config As an user I want to configure the notification I want to receive Background: Given plugin PushNotification is enabled on environment Given the following users |login | name | |joaosilva| Joao Silva | Scenario: the user should see his devices Given that the user joaosilva has the following devices | token | name | | "token_1" | "Banana Phone" | | "token_2" | "Zamzung Phone" | Given I am logged in as "joaosilva" Given I go to joaosilva's control panel When I follow "Notifications" Then I should see "Banana Phone" And I should see "Zamzung Phone" Scenario: the user should delete his devices Given that the user joaosilva has the following devices | token | name | | "token_1" | "Zamzung Phone" | Given I am logged in as "joaosilva" Given I go to joaosilva's control panel When I follow "Notifications" When I follow "delete_device_1" Then I should be on /myprofile/joaosilva/plugin/push_notification And I should not see "Zamzung Phone" Scenario: the user should only see the notifications enabled in the environment Given the following notifications |name | |add_friend | |new_article | Given I am logged in as "joaosilva" Given I go to joaosilva's control panel When I follow "Notifications" Then I should see "Add Friend" And I should see "New Article" And I should not see "New Member" And I should not see "Approve Article" Scenario: the user should be able to enable notifications Given the following notifications |name | |add_friend | |new_article | Given I am logged in as "joaosilva" Given I go to joaosilva's control panel When I follow "Notifications" And I check "settings_add_friend" And I check "settings_new_article" When I press "Save" Then the "settings_add_friend" checkbox should be checked Then the "settings_new_article" checkbox should be checked Scenario: the user should be able to disable notifications Given the following notifications | name | | add_friend | | new_article | Given that the user joaosilva has the following notifications | name | | add_friend | Given I am logged in as "joaosilva" Given I go to joaosilva's control panel When I follow "Notifications" And I uncheck "settings_add_friend" When I press "Save" Then the "settings_add_friend" checkbox should not be checked |