ref: dockerize
== Future If in the future you're considering to make use of weight and ranking on the search, you might use the pg_search lib: Here is how it would be done: == lib/pg_search_plugin.rb searchables = %w[ article comment qualifier national_region certifier profile license scrap category ] searchables.each { |searchable| require_dependency searchable } klasses = {|searchable| searchable.camelize.constantize } klass.class_eval do include PgSearch pg_search_scope :pg_search_plugin_search, :against => klass::SEARCHABLE_FIELDS.keys, :using => { :tsearch => {:prefix => true, :tsvector_column => 'pg_search_plugin_tsv' } } end == You also would want to add the adequate indexes to the this searches. Here is an example with the profiles table: == db/migrate/000_create_indexes_for_profile_search.rb class CreateTsvIndexesForProfile < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up execute "ALTER TABLE profiles ADD COLUMN pg_search_plugin_tsv tsvector" fields = {|field, weight| "to_tsvector('simple', coalesce(\"profiles\".\"#{field}\", ''))"}.join(' || ') execute <<-QUERY UPDATE profiles SET pg_search_plugin_tsv = (#{fields}); QUERY triggers = "pg_search_plugin_tsv, 'pg_catalog.simple', " triggers += Profile::SEARCHABLE_FIELDS.keys.join(', ') execute "CREATE TRIGGER pg_search_plugin_profiles_tsvectorupdate BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON profiles FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(#{triggers});" end def self.down execute "drop trigger pg_search_plugin_profiles_tsvectorupdate on profiles" execute "alter table profiles drop column pg_search_plugin_tsv" end end ==