ref: dockerize
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en-US: &en-US number: currency: format: xlsx_currency: "[$$-409]* #.##0,00;[RED]-[$$-409]* #.##0,00" orders_plugin: terms: supplier: singular: "supplier" plural: "suppliers" from_article: singular: "from supplier" consumer: singular: "consumer" plural: "consumers" from_article: singular: "from consumer" plural: "from consumers" purchase: singular: "Purchase" plural: "Purchases" sale: singular: "Sale" plural: "Sales" lib: plugin: name: "Orders" description: "Orders' management" panel_button: "Purchases and Sales" person_panel_button: "Purchases made" ext: profile: orders_manager: "Orders' Manager" mailer: order_was_confirmed: "[%{name}] Your order was confirmmed" order_was_cancelled: "[%{name}] Your order was cancelled" order_was_received: "[%{name}] Your order was declared as received" purchase_was_created: "[%{name}] A new order was created for you" date_helper: a: "%A" b_d_at_hh_m: "%B %d, at %Hh%M" b_d_from_time_start_t: "%{default_format}, from %{time_start} to %{time_finish}" from_start_to_finish: "from %{start} to %{finish}" hh_m: "%Hh%M" m_d: "%m/%d" m_d_hh: "%-m/%-d %Hh" m_d_hh_m: "%m/%d %Hh%M" m_d_y_at_hh_m: "%m/%d/%Y at %Hh%M" m_d_y_hh_m: "%m/%d/%Y %Hh%M" m_y_hh_m: "%m/%Y - %Hh%M" start_day_from_start_: "%{start_day}, from %{start_time} to %{finish_time}" start_day_start_datet: "%{start_day}, %{start_datetime} - %{finish_day}, %{finish_datetime}" start_finish: "%{start} - %{finish}" start_to_finish: "%{start} to %{finish}" to: to price_helper: /: / price_unit: "%{price}%{unit}" report: closed_orders: "Closed Orders" created: created modified: modified payment_method: payment method delivery_option: delivery or pickup option hub: Hub member_name: "Consumer name" min_stock: "min. stock" mm_dd_yy_hh_mm_am_pm: "MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM" order_code: "Order code" parcelled_total: "Parcelled total" price_un: price/un. product_cod: "product cod." product_name: "product name" products_report: "products report" projected_stock: "stock after" qtt_to_be_parcelled: "qtt to be using stock" qty_ordered: "qty ordered" qty_purchased: "qty purchased" selled_total: "selled total" selled_value: "selled value" stock_qtt: "stock before" supplier: "%{terms.supplier.singular.capitalize}" total_parcel_value: "Total value using stock" total_selled_value: "Total selled value" total_price_without_margin: "Total price without margin" total_value: "Total Value" un: un. value: value value_parcel: "value using stock" phone: 'Telephone' mail: 'Email' alert_formulas: "Atention! If you are using LibreOffice (BrOffice) you will need to update the formulas with the command CTRL + SHIFT + F9" sales_vs_purchases: "Sales vs Purchases" controllers: profile: consumer: can_not_confirm_your_: "Can not confirm. Your order is empty" login_first: "Login first" inactive: "You were inactivated and can't make orders. Talk to group admins for being re-enabled." order_cancelled: "Order cancelled" order_confirmed: "Order confirmed" order_confirmed_with_stock_changes: "Order confirmed, but some items had its quantities changed by missing stock availability." order_removed: "Order removed" please_login_first: "Please login first" you_are_not_the_owner: "You are not the owner of this order" delivery_method: "Delivery or pickup method" myprofile: admin: orders_report: "Orders' Report - %{date} - %{profile_identifier} - %{name}.xlsx" orders_report_by_hub: "Orders' Report in hub {hub} - %{date} - %{profile_identifier} - %{name}.xlsx" products_report: "Products' Report - %{date} - %{profile_identifier} - %{name}.xlsx" products_report_by_hub: "Products' Report in hub {hub} - %{date} - %{profile_identifier} - %{name}.xlsx" models: order: statuses: open: "Open" forgotten: "Not confirmed" planned: "Planned" cancelled: "Cancelled" confirmed: "Confirmed" ordered: "Ordered" accepted: "Accepted" separated: "Separated" delivered: "Delivered" received: "Received" statuses_verbs: ordered: "Confirm" accepted: "Accept" separated: "Separate" delivered: "Deliver" received: "Receive" actor_data: name: "Name" email: "Email" contact_phone: "Phone" delivery_data: name: "Name" description: "Description" address_line1: "Address" address_line2: "Address completion" reference: "Reference" district: "District" city: "City" state: "State" postal_code: "Postal code" zip_code: "ZIP code" payment_data: method: "Method" change: "Change" other_method: "Chosen method" helpers: help: hide: "hide help" show: "show help" views: filter: filter: Filter filter_it: Filter status: "Status" code: "Code" all: "All" period: "Period" delivery: 'Delivery or pickup' actions: all: "All" none: "None" select: "Select" with_selection: "with itens selected" with_filter: "with search" activate: "activate" deactivate: "deactivate" public: repeat: heading: "Repetir pedido anterior" help: "Choose which of the previous orders you wish to make. Observe the details if there are products missing or with updated values." date: "Date" ordered_itens: "Ordered items" checkout: "checkout" choose: "choose and edit" clear_orders_session: "clear orders' history from this computer" consumer: _total: total: Total order_total: Order Total total_yet_to_pay: Total yet to pay item: no_stock: "This product is not stock anymore" _edit: remove_from_order: "Remove" removed: 'removed' submit: 'OK' this_product_requires: "This product requires a minimum of %{value}. The minimum was kept." ordered_more_than_in_stock: "The quantity of the product %{name} in stock is less than what was asked. The quantity in your order was changed to the maximum of amount available at the moment." saved: "Saved.." confirm_remotion: "Would you like to remove the product?" error: "Oops! There was an error with your request.." errors: title: "Errors found:" order_confirmed_or_cycle_is_closed: "It seems the time for editing this order has finished. Reload the page" not_the_owner: "Você cannot edit this order" _add: label: 'Add product' placeholder: "Type to find and add products" _index: header: "Purchase %{profile_code} - %{profile} / Sale - %{consumer}" empty_order: "Empty order" supplier: "%{terms.supplier.singular}" product: "product" quantity: "qty" price_total: "value (U$)" status: "status" info_about_delivery: "Informations about the chosen delivery/pickup method" address_completion: "Address Completion" payment_number: "Payment %{number}" product_added: "Product added" products: "Products" payments: "Payments" payment: "Payment" value: "Value" payment_method: "Payment method" date: Date total_bought: "Total buyed" total_payed: "Total payed" remaining_total: "Remaining" are_you_sure_you_want_to_leave: "Confirm the order before leaving for it to be accounted." message: _fields: message: Message subject: Subject new_to_admins: cancel: cancel message_to_managers_o: "Message to managers of \"%{profile}\"" send: Send new_to_consumer: cancel: cancel message_to_member_con: "Message to consumer \"%{consumer}\"" send: Send new_to_consumer_for_order: cancel: cancel include_reference_to_: "Include reference to the order made" message_to_member_con: "Message to consumer \"%{consumer}\"" send: Send new_to_supplier: cancel: cancel message_to_supplier_s: "Message to supplier \"%{supplier}\"" send: Send order: _show: open: "Open" cancel_order: "Cancel order" confirm_order: "Confirm order" confirming_this_order: "Confirming this order you are responsible for paying it. Do you want to continue?" _delivery: consumer_heading: "Receipt Method" supplier_heading: "Delivery Method" choose_another: "Choose another:" _payment: heading: "Payment method" _actor_data: consumer_heading: "Data %{terms.consumer.from_article.singular}" supplier_heading: "Data %{terms.supplier.from_article.singular}" _payment_edition: choose_payment_method: "Escolha um método de pagamento" other_method: "Define the method" admin: reports: generate_spreadsheets: "Export spreadsheets" products_spreadsheet: "By suppliers" orders_spreadsheet: "By consumers" suppliers_spreadsheet: "By suppliers" consumers_spreadsheet: "By consumers" choose_hub: "Choose a hub" all_hubs: "all the hubs" close: "Close" index: no_orders_to_show: "No orders to show." code: "code" consumer: "consumer" last_update: "last update" order_date: "orders' date" total: "total (U$)" situation: "situation" none_selected: "Any order selected" _edit: add_product: "add product" cancel: cancel edit_on_the_order_pag: "edit on the order page" empty_order: "Empty order" include_message: "Include message" message_to_actor: "message to the %{actor}" remove_order: "remove order" save: Save see_delivery: "see delivery" see_redistribution: "see redistribution" the_collective_member: "The consumer %{terms.profile.from_article.singular} will receive an email that discriminates all changes made in his/her order" warn_member_of_the_ch: "Warn consumer of the changes in his/her order" add_payment: "Add payment" add_payment: adding_payment: "Adding payment" payment_method: "Payment method" value: "Payment value" description: "Description" cancel: Cancel submit: Submit saved: Saved.. new_order: add: "Add order" adding_order: "Adding an order" choose_the_consumer: "Choose the consumer below" is_consumer_registered: "Is the consumer of this order registered?" consumer_registered: "He/She is registered - define who is the consumer" consumer_not_registered: "He/She is not registered - insert data about the buyer" consumer_name: "Consumer's name" consumer_email: "Consumer's e-mail" financial: financial_report: "Financial Report - %{name}" open: Open close: Close inputs: "Inputs:" outputs: "Outputs:" cash: "Final Cash:" type: "Type" value: "Value" date: "Date/time" description: "Description" add_input: "+ input" add_output: "+ output" export_spreadsheet: "Export Spreadsheet" payment: "Payment" order: "Order" expense: "Outputs" income: "Inputs" cash_totalization: "Cash totalization" revenue_totalization: "Revenue totalization" responsible: "Responsible" payment_method: "Payment method" cancel: "Cancel" submit: "Submit" total: "Total: " mailer: message_to_admins: a_service_of_s: "A service of %{environment}." hello_managers_of_nam: "Hello managers of %{name}," the_member_member_sen: "The consumer %{member} sent a messsage to you" message_to_consumer: a_service_of_s: "A service of %{environment}." hello_name: "Hello %{name}," the_collective_profile_s: "%{profile} sent a messsage to you" message_to_consumer_for_order: a_service_of_s: "A service of %{environment}." hello_name: "Hello %{name}!" order: order quantity_unit_of_prod: "%{quantity} %{unit} of %{product}" the_collective_profile_s: "%{profile} sent a messsage to you regarding your %{order}" the_products_in_the_o: "The products in the order" message_to_supplier: a_service_of_s: "A service of %{environment}." hello_administrators_: "Hello administrators of %{name}," the_collective_profile_s: "%{profile} sent a messsage to you" order_confirmation: attention_to_the_foll: "Attention to the following delivery instructions:" dear_name: "Dear %{name}," greetings: Greetings order_code_of_profile: "Order %{code} of %{name}" order_data_confirmed: "Order data confirmed:" the_delivery_period_w: "The delivery period to consumers will occur %{date}." your_order_can_be_che: "Your order can be checked or changed in the following link:" your_order_made_on_co: "Your order made %{terms.profile.at_article.singular} %{name} in %{date} is confirmed." collective_made_a_purchase: "%{name} placed a collective order to you in %{date}." see_below_the_items: "See below the items of the order:" order_received: dear_name: "Hi %{name}," greetings: Greetings order_data_received: "See below the items of the order:" your_order_made_on_co: "Your order made %{terms.profile.at_article.singular} %{name} in %{date} was declared received." purchase_received: the_order_made_on_co: "The order made by the group %{name} in %{date} was declared received." order_cancellation: dear_name: "Dear %{name}," greetings: Greetings your_order_made_on_co: "Your order made %{terms.profile.at_article.singular} %{name} in %{date} was successfully cancelled." _complete_order: order_no_code: "Order Nº: %{code}" price: Price price_un: Price/un price_unit: "%{price}/%{unit}" products_list: "Products list" qtt: QTT. quantity_unit: "%{quantity} %{unit}" supplier_product: "%{terms.supplier.singular.capitalize}/Product" total: "TOTAL:" en_US: <<: *en-US en: <<: *en-US |