ref: dockerize
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"en-US": &en-US open_graph_plugin: lib: plugin: name: 'OpenGraph' description: 'OpenGraph' views: track: config: activity: configure: 'Configure' label: "My activities: new photos on my albuns, blogs's posts and other contents" objects: blog_post: "Blogs' posts" event: 'Creation of events' favorite_enterprise: 'Quando eu favoritar um empreendimento' forum: "Forum's topic posted" friend: 'New friendships' gallery_image: 'New images on my albuns' uploaded_file: 'Files sent' enterprise: memberships: "Enterprises that I'm a member of" favorites: "My favorite enterprises" see_all: 'See enterprises' label: "News from enterprises that I am a member and my favorites" search_placeholder: "type to find enterprises" favorites_how_to: title: "How to add favorite Solidarity Economy initiatives" body: "To add favorite Solidarity Economy initiatives, you should visit its page in Cirandas and click on button %{favorite_button} which is located below its logo, normally on the left side." community: label: "News from selected communities" search_placeholder: "type to find communities" friend: label: "News from friends" search_placeholder: "type to find friends" 'en_US': <<: *en-US 'en': <<: *en-US |