ref: dockerize
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require 'csv' class NewsletterPlugin::Newsletter < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :environment belongs_to :person validates_presence_of :environment, :person validates_uniqueness_of :environment_id validates_numericality_of :periodicity, only_integer: true, greater_than: -1, message: _('must be a positive number') validates_numericality_of :posts_per_blog, only_integer: true, greater_than: -1, message: _('must be a positive number') attr_accessible :environment, :enabled, :periodicity, :subject, :posts_per_blog, :footer, :blog_ids, :additional_recipients, :person, :person_id, :moderated scope :enabled, -> { where enabled: true } # These methods are used by NewsletterMailing def people list ={|i| "'#{i}'"}.join(',') if list.empty? environment.people else environment.people .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON ( = profiles.user_id)') .where(" NOT IN (#{list})") end end def name end def contact_email environment.noreply_email end def top_url environment.top_url end def unsubscribe_url "#{top_url}/plugin/newsletter/unsubscribe" end serialize :blog_ids, Array serialize :additional_recipients, Array def blog_ids self[:blog_ids].map(&:to_i) || [] end validates_each :blog_ids do |record, attr, value| if record.environment unless value.delete_if(&:zero?).select { |id| !Blog.find_by(id: id) || Blog.find(id).environment != record.environment }.empty? record.errors.add(attr, _('must be valid')) end end unless value.uniq.length == value.length record.errors.add(attr, _('must not have duplicates')) end end validates_each :additional_recipients do |record, attr, value| unless value.reject { |recipient| recipient[:email] =~ Noosfero::Constants::EMAIL_FORMAT }.empty? record.errors.add(attr, _('must have only valid emails')) end end def next_send_at (self.last_send_at || + self.periodicity.days end def must_be_sent_today? return true unless self.last_send_at >= self.next_send_at.to_date end def blogs Blog.where(:id => blog_ids) end def posts(data = {}) limit = ? nil : self.posts_per_blog posts = if self.last_send_at.nil? self.blogs.flat_map{ |blog| blog.posts.limit limit } else self.blogs.flat_map{ |blog| blog.posts.where("published_at >= :last_send_at", {last_send_at: self.last_send_at}).limit limit } end data[:post_ids].nil? ? posts :{|post| data[:post_ids].include?(} end CSS = { 'breakingnews-wrap' => 'background-color: #EFEFEF; padding: 40px 0', 'breakingnews' => 'width: 640px; margin: auto; background-color: white; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-spacing: 0; padding: 0', 'newsletter-public-link' => 'width: 640px; margin: auto; font-size: small; color: #555; font-style: italic; text-align: right; margin-bottom: 15px; font-family: sans;', 'newsletter-header' => 'padding: 0', 'header-image' => 'width: 100%', 'post-image' => 'padding-left: 20px; width: 25%; border-bottom: 1px dashed #DDD', 'post-info' => 'font-family: Arial, Verdana; padding: 20px; width: 75%; border-bottom: 1px dashed #DDD', 'post-date' => 'font-size: 12px;', 'post-lead' => 'font-size: 14px; text-align: justify', 'post-title' => 'color: #000; text-decoration: none; font-size: 16px; text-align: justify', 'read-more-line' => 'text-align: right', 'read-more-link' => 'color: #000; font-size: 12px;', 'newsletter-unsubscribe' => 'width: 640px; margin: auto; font-size: small; color: #555; font-style: italic; text-align: center; margin-top: 15px; font-family: sans;' } # to be able to generate HTML include ActionView::Helpers include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers include DatesHelper def message_to_public_link content_tag(:p, (_("If you can't view this email, %s.") % link_to(_('click here'), '{mailing_url}')).html_safe, :id => 'newsletter-public-link').html_safe end def message_to_unsubscribe content_tag(:div, _("This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply. If you do not wish to receive future newsletter emails, %s.").html_safe % link_to(_("cancel your subscription here"), self.unsubscribe_url, :style => CSS['public-link']), :style => CSS['newsletter-unsubscribe'], :id => 'newsletter-unsubscribe').html_safe end def read_more(link_address) content_tag(:p, link_to(_('Read more'), link_address, :style => CSS['read-more-link']), :style => CSS['read-more-line']) end def post_with_image(post) content_tag(:tr,content_tag(:td,tag(:img, :src => "#{self.environment.top_url}#{post.image.public_filename(:big)}", :id =>,:style => CSS['post-image'])+content_tag(:td,content_tag(:span, show_date(post.published_at), :style => CSS['post-date'])+content_tag(:h3, link_to(h(post.title), post.url, :style => CSS['post-title']))+content_tag(:p,sanitize(post.lead(190), tags: %w(strong em b i)),:style => CSS['post-lead'])+read_more(post.url), :style => CSS['post-info'])) end def post_without_image(post) content_tag(:tr, content_tag(:td,content_tag(:span, show_date(post.published_at),:style => CSS['post-date'], :id =>, link_to(h(post.title), post.url,:style => CSS['post-title']))+content_tag(:p,sanitize(post.lead(360), tags: %w(strong em b i)),:style => CSS['post-lead'])+read_more(post.url),:colspan => 2, :style => CSS['post-info'])) end def body(data = {}) content_tag(:div, content_tag(:div, message_to_public_link, :style => CSS['newsletter-public-link']).html_safe+content_tag(:table,(self.image.nil? ? '' : content_tag(:tr, content_tag(:th, tag(:img, :src => "#{self.environment.top_url}#{self.image.public_filename}", :style => CSS['header-image']),:colspan => 2),:style => CSS['newsletter-header'])).html_safe+self.posts(data).map do |post| if post.image post_with_image(post) else post_without_image(post) end end.join().html_safe+content_tag(:tr, content_tag(:td, (self.footer || "").html_safe, :colspan => 2)),:style => CSS['breakingnews']).html_safe+content_tag(:div,message_to_unsubscribe, :style => CSS['newsletter-unsubscribe']),:style => CSS['breakingnews-wrap']).html_safe end def default_subject _('Breaking news') end def subject self[:subject] || default_subject end def import_recipients(file, name_column = nil, email_column = nil, headers = nil) name_column ||= 1 email_column ||= 2 headers ||= false if File.extname(file.original_filename) == '.csv' [",", ";", "\t"].each do |sep| parsed_recipients = [] CSV.foreach(file.path, { headers: headers, col_sep: sep }) do |row| parsed_recipients << {name: row[name_column.to_i - 1], email: row[email_column.to_i - 1]} end self.additional_recipients = parsed_recipients break if self.valid? || !self.errors.include?(:additional_recipients) end else #FIXME find a better way to deal with errors self.errors.add(:additional_recipients, _("have unknown file type: %s" % file.original_filename)) end end extend ActsAsHavingImage::ClassMethods acts_as_having_image def last_send_at last_mailing = NewsletterPlugin::NewsletterMailing.where(source_id: last_mailing.nil? ? nil : last_mailing.created_at end def has_posts_in_the_period? ! self.posts.empty? end serialize :unsubscribers, Array def unsubscribe(email) unsubscribers.push(email).uniq! save! end end |