ref: dockerize


<%= form_for @node, as: :profile_data , :html => {:id => 'location-form'} do |f| %>

<%= flash[:error] %>
<%= select_country _('Country'), 'profile_data', 'country', {:class => 'type-select'} %> <%= labelled_form_field _('State'), f.text_field(:state) %> <%= labelled_form_field _('City'), f.text_field(:city) %> <%= labelled_form_field _('ZIP code'), text_field(:profile_data, :zip_code) %> <%= labelled_form_field _('Address (street and number)'), text_field(:profile_data, :address) %> <% button_bar do %> <%= button_to_function :search, _('Locate in the map'), "addressToPoint()", :title => _("Locate the address informed above in the map below (note that you'll probably need to adjust the marker to get a precise position)") %> <%= submit_button 'save', _('Save') %> <% end %>

<%= _('Drag the balloon to find the exact location.') %>

<%= f.hidden_field :lat %> <%= f.hidden_field :lng %> <% end %> <%= render :file => 'shared/tiny_mce' %> <%= content_tag('script', '', :src => "", :type => 'text/javascript') %> <%= content_tag('script', '', :src => url_for(:controller => :maps, :action => :google_map), :type => 'text/javascript') %>