ref: dockerize
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require_dependency 'article' class Article metadata_spec namespace: :og, key_attr: :property, tags: { type: proc do |a, plugin| plugin.context.params[:og_type] || MetadataPlugin.og_types[:article] || :article end, url: proc do |a, plugin| url = a.url.merge! profile: a.profile.identifier, og_type: plugin.context.params[:og_type] plugin.og_url_for url end, title: proc{ |a, plugin| "#{a.title} - #{}" }, image: proc do |a, plugin| img =! &:html_safe img = "#{a.profile.environment.top_url}#{a.profile.image.public_filename}".html_safe if a.profile.image if img.blank? img ||= MetadataPlugin.config[:open_graph][:environment_logo].html_safe rescue nil if img.blank? img end, see_also: [], site_name: proc{ |a, c| }, updated_time: proc{ |a, c| a.updated_at.iso8601 }, 'locale:locale' => proc{ |a, c| a.language || a.environment.default_language }, 'locale:alternate' => proc{ |a, c| a.alternate_languages }, description: proc{ |a, plugin| ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize a.lead }, rich_attachment: "", } metadata_spec namespace: :twitter, key_attr: :name, tags: { card: 'summary', description: proc do |a, plugin| description = a.lead.to_s || plugin.helpers.truncate plugin.helpers.strip_tags(description), length: 200 end, title: proc{ |a, plugin| "#{a.title} - #{}" }, image: proc{ |a, plugin|! &:html_safe }, } metadata_spec namespace: :article, key_attr: :property, tags: { expiration_time: "", # In the future we might want to populate this modified_time: proc{ |a, plugin| a.updated_at.iso8601 }, published_time: proc{ |a, plugin| a.published_at.iso8601 }, section: "", # In the future we might want to populate this tag: proc{ |a, plugin| &:name }, } end |