ref: dockerize


<%= _('General information') %>

<%= required_fields_message %> <%= required f.text_field(:name) %> <%= @plugins.dispatch(:profile_info_extra_contents).collect { |content| instance_eval(&content) }.join("") %> <% if @environment.enabled?('enable_organization_url_change') %> <% end %> <% if @environment.enabled?('enable_organization_url_change') %> <%= hidden_field_tag 'old_profile_identifier', @profile.identifier %>
<%= required labelled_form_field( _('Address'), content_tag('code', url_for(profile.url).gsub(/#{profile.identifier}$/, '') + text_field(:profile_data, :identifier, :onchange => "warn_value_change()", :size => 25) ) + content_tag('div', content_tag('strong', _('WARNING!')) + ' ' + _("You are about to change the address, and this will break external links to the homepage or to content inside it. Do you really want to change?") + content_tag('div', button_to_function(:ok, _("Yes"), "confirm_change()") + ' ' + button_to_function(:cancel, _('No'), 'no_change()') ), :id => 'identifier-change-confirmation', :class => 'change-confirmation', :style => 'display: none;' ) ) %>
<% end %> <%= render :partial => 'organization_custom_fields', :locals => { :f => f, :object_name => 'profile_data', :profile => @profile } %> <%= labelled_check_box(_('Enable "contact us"'), 'profile_data[enable_contact_us]', "1", @profile.enable_contact_us) if @profile.enterprise? %>