ref: dockerize
<%= _("Disassociate currency '%{name}'") % { name: @currency.name_with_symbol, } %>
<%= _("This currency is now organized by your enterprise and potencially accepted by others enterprises and theirs products.") %>
<%= _("Disassociating this currency mean you're not going to be responsible for it anymore. You may leave it orphan but it is recommended that you pass the organization to another enterprise.") %>
<%= _("Please give the organization responsibility to other enterprises by finding them below or leave it blank to make this currency orphan.") %>
<%= form_tag action: :disassociate, id: do %> <%= render partial: 'enterprise_search' %><%= check_box_tag 'keep_acceptance', '1', true %> <%= label_tag 'keep_acceptance', _('Still accept this currency') %>
<%= submit_tag _('Disassociate'), class: 'currency-action-button' %> <%= modal_close_button _('cancel') %> <% end %>