ref: dockerize
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module ConsumersCoopPlugin::LayoutHelper protected include TermsHelper HeaderButtons = { orders: [{controller: :consumers_coop_plugin_order, action: :index}], volunteering: [{controller: :consumers_coop_plugin_volunteers, action: :index}, nil, -> { profile.volunteers_settings.cycle_volunteers_enabled }], #products: [{controller: :catalog, action: :index}, nil, -> { profile.enterprise? }], separator: [{}], orders_cycles: [{:controller => :consumers_coop_plugin_cycle, :action => :index}, nil, -> { profile.has_admin? user }], products: [{:controller => :consumers_coop_plugin_product, :action => :index}, nil, -> { profile.has_admin? user }], suppliers: [{:controller => :consumers_coop_plugin_supplier, :action => :index}, nil, -> { profile.has_admin? user }], consumers: [{:controller => :consumers_coop_plugin_consumer, :action => :index}, nil, -> { profile.has_admin? user }], settings: [{:controller => :consumers_coop_plugin_myprofile, :action => :settings}, nil, -> { profile.has_admin? user }], } #TODO: Add leave/join and remove existing profile_info block def display_header_buttons # FIXME: call method on controller @admin = @controller.is_a? MyProfileController do |key, (url, selected_proc, if_proc)| next if if_proc and not instance_exec(&if_proc) if key == :separator content_tag 'hr' else label = t "consumers_coop_plugin.lib.layout_helper.#{key}" if url.is_a? Proc url = instance_exec(&url) else # necessary for profile with own domain url[:profile] = profile.identifier end if selected_proc selected = instance_exec(&selected_proc) else selected = params[:controller].to_s == url[:controller].to_s end link_to label, url, class: "menu-button #{key} #{"selected" if selected}" end end.safe_join end def consumers_coop_header return unless consumers_coop_enabled? output = render file: 'consumers_coop_plugin_layouts/default' if on_homepage? extend SuppliersPlugin::ProductHelper extend OrdersPlugin::DateHelper output += render file: 'orders_cycle_plugin_gadgets/cycles' end output end def consumers_coop_enabled? profile and profile.consumers_coop_settings.enabled end # FIXME: workaround to fix Profile#is_on_homepage? def on_homepage? profile.is_on_homepage? request.path, @page or request.path == "/profile/#{profile.identifier}" end end |