ref: dockerize
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 |
#OrdersCyclePlugin::Import.terramater_db Profile['rede-guandu-producao-e-consumo-responsavel'], # 'fornecedor.csv', 'produto.csv', 'fornecedor_produto.csv', 'usuario.csv' class ConsumersCoopPlugin::Import protected def self.terramater_db profile, supplier_csv, products_csv, supplier_products_csv, users_csv, verbose=true environment = profile.environment profile.suppliers.each{ |s| s.destroy! } CSV.readlines(users_csv,:headers=> true).each do |row| name = row[1].strip pass = row[2].strip email = row[3].strip u = User.find_by_email email if u puts "registered user: "+email + " " + name if verbose else puts email if verbose login = email.split('@').first.downcase login.gsub! '_', '' l = login i=1 while (u = User.find_by_login login) login = "#{l}_#{i}" i+=1 end address = "#{row[7]} - #{row[8]}" profile_data = {name: name, zip_code: row[4], city: row[5], contact_phone: row[6], address: address} p = proc{ puts 'ia mandar email mas nao vou mais' } User.send :define_method, :activate, &p User.send :define_method, :deliver_activation_code, &p User.send :define_method, :delay_activation_check, &p u = login, email: email, password: pass, password_confirmation: pass, terms_accepted: "1") u.terms_of_use = environment.terms_of_use u.environment = environment u.person_data = profile_data u.activated_at = u.activation_code = nil u.signup! p = u.person p.visible = true! owner_role = Role.find_by_name('owner') u.person.affiliate(u.person, [owner_role]) if owner_role end profile.add_member u.person #also add consumer end id_s = {} CSV.readlines(supplier_csv,headers: true).each do |row| s = SuppliersPlugin::Supplier.create_dummy consumer: profile, name: row[1] id_s[row[0]] = s email = row[3] email = '' if email.blank? or !email.include? '@' email = email.strip.split(';').first puts email if verbose s.profile.update! contact_phone: row[2], contact_email: email profile.admins.each{ |a| s.profile.add_admin a } end id_p = {} CSV.readlines(products_csv,headers: true).each do |row| if row[1] =~ /(.+?) - (.+)/ # check for a description name = $1; description = $2 else name = row[1] description = '' end product = profile: profile, name: name, description: description, available: row[2] puts row[1] if product.nil? and verbose id_p[row[0]] = product end CSV.readlines(supplier_products_csv,:headers=> true).each do |row| s = id_s[row[0]] p = id_p[row[1]] puts row[1] if p.nil? and verbose p.supplier = s print "#{} - #{}" print " - p: #{row[2]}" if !row[2].nil? and verbose puts " - m: "+ row[3] if !row[3].nil? and verbose print "\n\n" p.update supplier_product: {price: row[2], margin_percentage: row[3]}! end end end |