ref: dockerize
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //Quit if does not detect a comment for that plugin if($('.comment_paragraph').size() < 1) return; $(document).keyup(function(e) { // on press ESC key... if (e.which == 27) { hideCommentBox(); } }); $('.display-comment-form').unbind(); $('.display-comment-form').click(function(){ var $button = $(this); showBox($button.parents('.post_comment_box')); $($button).hide(); $button.closest('.page-comment-form').find('input').first().focus(); return false; }); //Clears all old selected_area and selected_content after submit comment $('[name|=commit]').click(function(){ $('.selected_area').val(""); $('.selected_content').val(""); }); //hide comments when click outside $('body').click(function(event){ if ($('.comment-paragraph-plugin, #comment-bubble').length === 0) { hideCommentBox(); $('#comment-bubble').removeClass('visible'); hideAllSelectedAreasExcept(); } }); function hideCommentBox() { $("div.side-comment").hide(); $('.comment-paragraph-plugin').removeClass('comment-paragraph-slide-left'); 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} //Loads the comments var url = container.find('.side-comment').data('comment_paragraph_url'); $.ajax(url).done(function(data) { container.find('.article-comments-list').html(data); if(container.find('.article-comment').length==0 || container.find('.selected_area').length) { container.find('.post_comment_box a.display-comment-form').click(); } else { container.find('.post_comment_box').removeClass('opened'); container.find('.post_comment_box').addClass('closed'); container.find('.display-comment-form').show(); } }); var formDiv = container.find('.side-comment .post_comment_box'); if(formDiv.find('.page-comment-form').length==0) { $.ajax('comment_paragraph_form_url')).done(function(data) { formDiv.append(data); }); } }); $('#comment-bubble').click(function(event){ var paragraph = $("#comment-bubble").data("paragraph"); $('#comment-paragraph-plugin_' + paragraph).find('.side-comments-counter').click(); }); function hideAllSelectedAreasExcept(clickedParagraph, areaClass) { if(!areaClass) { areaClass = '.commented-area'; } $(".comment_paragraph").each(function(){ paragraph = $(this).closest('.comment-paragraph-plugin').data('paragraph'); if(paragraph != clickedParagraph){ $(this).find(areaClass).contents().unwrap(); $(this).html($(this).html()); //XXX: workaround to prevent creation of text nodes } }); } function getSelectionText() { var text = ""; if (window.getSelection) { text = window.getSelection().toString(); } else if (document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control") { text = document.selection.createRange().text; } return text; } function clearSelection() { if ( document.selection ) { document.selection.empty(); } else if ( window.getSelection ) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } function setCommentBubblePosition(posX, posY) { $("#comment-bubble").css({ top: (posY - 80), left: (posX - 70) }); } //highlight area from the paragraph $('.comment_paragraph').mouseup(function(event) { hideCommentBox(); //Don't do anything if there is no selected text if (getSelectionText().length == 0) { return; } var container = $(this).closest('.comment-paragraph-plugin'); var paragraphId ='paragraph'); setCommentBubblePosition( event.pageX, event.pageY ); //Prepare to open the div $("#comment-bubble").data("paragraph", paragraphId); $("#comment-bubble").addClass('visible'); var rootElement = $(this).get(0); //Maybe it is needed to handle exceptions here try { var selObj = rangy.getSelection(); var selected_area = rangy.serializeSelection(selObj, true, rootElement); } catch(e) { return; } form = container.find('.post_comment_box').find('form'); //Register the area that has been selected at input.selected_area if (form.find('input.selected_area').length === 0){ $('<input>').attr({ class: 'selected_area', type: 'hidden', name: 'comment[comment_paragraph_selected_area]', value: selected_area }).appendTo(form) }else{ form.find('input.selected_area').val(selected_area) } //Register the content being selected at input.comment_paragraph_selected_content var selected_content = getSelectionText(); if (form.find('input.selected_content').length === 0){ $('<input>').attr({ class: 'selected_content', type: 'hidden', name: 'comment[comment_paragraph_selected_content]', value: selected_content }).appendTo(form) }else{ form.find('input.selected_content').val(selected_content) } rootElement.focus(); cssApplierSelected.toggleSelection(); clearSelection(); //set a one time handler to prevent multiple selections var fn = function() { hideAllSelectedAreasExcept(null, '.commented-area-selected'); $('.comment-paragraph-plugin').off('mousedown', '.comment_paragraph', fn); } $('.comment-paragraph-plugin').on('mousedown', '.comment_paragraph', fn); }); function processAnchor(){ var anchor = window.location.hash; if(anchor.length==0) return; var val = anchor.split('-'); //anchor format = #comment-\d+ if(val.length!=2 || val[0]!='#comment') return; if($('.comment-paragraph-plugin').length==0) return; var comment_id = val[1]; if(!/^\d+$/.test(comment_id)) return; //test for integer var url = '/plugin/comment_paragraph/public/comment_paragraph/'+comment_id; $.ajax(url).done(function(data) { var button = $('#comment-paragraph-plugin_' + data.paragraph_uuid + ' .side-comments-counter').click(); $('body').animate({scrollTop: parseInt(button.offset().top)}, 500);; }); } processAnchor(); $(document).on('mouseenter', 'li.article-comment', function() { hideAllSelectedAreasExcept(null, '.commented-area-selected'); var selected_area = $(this).find('input.paragraph_comment_area').val(); var container = $(this).closest('.comment-paragraph-plugin'); var rootElement = container.find('.comment_paragraph')[0]; if(selected_area != ""){ rangy.deserializeSelection(selected_area, rootElement); cssApplier.toggleSelection(); } }); $(document).on('mouseleave', 'li.article-comment', function() { hideAllSelectedAreasExcept(); var container = $(this).closest('.comment-paragraph-plugin'); var selected_area = container.find('input.selected_area').val(); var rootElement = container.find('.comment_paragraph')[0]; if(selected_area != ""){ rangy.deserializeSelection(selected_area, rootElement); cssApplierSelected.toggleSelection(); } clearSelection(); }); }); |