ref: dockerize
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class ClassifyMembersPlugin < Noosfero::Plugin def self.plugin_name _("Classify Members") end def self.plugin_description _("Allows the association of communities with types of user profiles to classify and highlight them within the environment.") end def html_tag_classes plugin = self lambda do if profile && profile.person? plugin.find_community(profile).map do |community, community_label| 'member-of-' + community.identifier end end end end def body_beginning plugin = self lambda do if profile && profile.person? javascript_tag(" jQuery(function(){ jQuery('<div class=\"cmm-member-tags\"><ul class=\"cmm-member-list\"></ul></div>').insertBefore( '.profile-image-block .vcard .profile-info-options' ); });\n" + plugin.find_community(profile).map do |community, community_label| "jQuery(function(){ jQuery('.cmm-member-list').prepend( '<li>' + '#{link_to '<i></i>' + community_label, {:profile => community.identifier, :controller => 'profile', :action => 'members'}, :class => 'member-of-' + community.identifier}' + '</li>' ); });" end.join("\n") ) else '<!-- ClassCommunityPlugin not in a profile -->' end end end def settings @settings ||= environment, ClassifyMembersPlugin ) end def communities communities = settings.communities return [] if communities.blank? communities.split(/\s*\n\s*/).map do |community| community = community.split(/\s*:\s*/) community[0] = Profile[community[0].to_s.strip] community[1] = community[1].to_s.strip if community[0].blank? nil else community[1] = community[0].name if community[1].blank? community end end.compact end def find_community(profile) do |community| profile.is_member_of?(community[0]) ? community : nil end.compact end end |