ref: dockerize
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Feature: unblock button As an environment administrator I want to unblock an enterprise In order to try to activate it again Background: Given the following enterprise | identifier | name | | sample-enterprise | Sample Enterprise | And the following blocks | owner | type | | sample-enterprise | DisabledEnterpriseMessageBlock | And enterprise "Sample Enterprise" is disabled Scenario: the environment administrator unblocks a blocked enterprise Given I am logged in as admin And enterprise "Sample Enterprise" is blocked And I am on sample-enterprise's homepage When I follow "Unblock" Then I should not see "Unblock" Scenario: a not administrator user can't see "Unblock" button Given the following user | login | name | | joaosilva | Joao Silva | And I am logged in as "joaosilva" And enterprise "Sample Enterprise" is blocked When I am on sample-enterprise's homepage Then I should not see "Unblock" Scenario: a not blocked enterprise should not show "Unblock" button Given I am logged in as admin When I am on sample-enterprise's homepage Then I should not see "Unblock" |