ref: dockerize
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module NavigationHelpers # Maps a name to a path. Used by the # # When /^I go to (.+)$/ do |page_name| # # step definition in web_steps.rb # def path_to(page_name) case page_name when /the homepage/ '/' # Add more mappings here. # Here is an example that pulls values out of the Regexp: # # when /^(.*)'s profile page$/i # user_profile_path(User.find_by(login: $1)) when /^\// page_name when /the welcome page/ '/site/welcome' when /article "([^"]+)"\s*$/ url_for(Article.find_by(name: $1).url.merge({:only_path => true})) when /category "([^"]+)"/ '/cat/%s' % Category.find_by(name: $1).slug when /edit "(.+)" by (.+)/ article_id = Person[$2].articles.find_by(slug: $1.to_slug).id "/myprofile/#{$2}/cms/edit/#{article_id}" when /edit (.*Block) of (.+)/ owner = Profile[$2] klass = $1.constantize block ={|i| i.owner == owner}.first "/myprofile/#{$2}/profile_design/edit/#{}" when /^(.*)'s homepage$/ '/' + profile_identifier($1) when /^(.*)'s blog$/ '/%s/blog' % profile_identifier($1) when /^(.*)'s (.+) creation$/ '/myprofile/%s/cms/new?type=%s' % [profile_identifier($1),$2] when /^(.*)'s sitemap/ '/profile/%s/sitemap' % profile_identifier($1) when /^(.*)'s profile$/ '/profile/' + profile_identifier($1) when /^(.*)'s join page/ '/profile/%s/join' % profile_identifier($1) when /^(.*)'s leave page/ '/profile/%s/leave' % profile_identifier($1) when /^login page$/ '/account/login' when /^logout page$/ '/account/logout' when /^signup page$/ '/account/signup' when /^(.*)'s control panel$/ '/myprofile/' + profile_identifier($1) when /the environment control panel/ '/admin' when /^the search page$/ '/search' when /^the search (.+) page$/ '/search/%s' % $1 when /^(.+)'s cms/ '/myprofile/%s/cms' % profile_identifier($1) when /^"(.+)" edit page/ article = Article.find_by name: $1 '/myprofile/%s/cms/edit/%s' % [article.profile.identifier,] when /^(.+)'s members management/ '/myprofile/%s/profile_members' % Profile.find_by(name: $1).identifier when /^(.+)'s new product page/ '/myprofile/%s/manage_products/new' % profile_identifier($1) when /^(.+)'s page of product (.*)$/ enterprise = Profile.find_by(name: $1) product = enterprise.products.find_by(name: $2) '/myprofile/%s/manage_products/show/%s' % [enterprise.identifier,] when /^chat$/ '/chat' when /^(.+)'s tag page/ '/tag/%s' % $1 when /the user data path/ '/account/user_data' when /^(.+)'s confirmation URL/ user = User[$1] "/account/activate?activation_code=#{user.activation_code}&redirection=" + (user.return_to.nil? ? 'false' : 'true') when /^(.+)'s members page/ '/profile/%s/members' % profile_identifier($1) when /^(.+)'s "(.+)" page from "(.*)" of "(.*)" plugin/ profile = $1 action = $2 plugin_name = $4.underscore controller_type = $3.constantize.superclass.to_s.underscore.gsub(/_controller/, "") "/#{controller_type}/#{profile}/plugin/#{plugin_name}/#{action}" else begin page_name =~ /the (.*) page/ path_components = $1.split(/\s+/) self.send(path_components.push('path').join('_').to_sym) rescue Object => e raise "Can't find mapping from \"#{page_name}\" to a path.\n" + "Now, go and add a mapping in #{__FILE__}" end end end def profile_identifier(field) profile = Profile.find_by(name: field) || Profile.find_by(identifier: field) profile.identifier end end World(NavigationHelpers) |