ref: dockerize
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Feature: send emails to environment members users As an administrator I want to send email to all users Scenario: Cant access if not logged in Given I am not logged in When I go to /admin/users/send_mail Then I should be on login page Scenario: Cant access as normal user Given the following user | login | | ultraje | And I am logged in as "ultraje" When I go to /admin/users/send_mail Then I should see "Access denied" Scenario: Send e-mail to members Given I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/users/send_mail And I fill in "Subject" with "Hello, user!" And I fill in "Body" with "We have some news" When I press "Send" Then I should be on /admin/users Scenario: Not send e-mail to members if subject is blank Given I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/users/send_mail And I fill in "Body" with "We have some news" When I press "Send" Then I should be on /admin/users/send_mail Scenario: Not send e-mail to members if body is blank Given I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/users/send_mail And I fill in "Subject" with "Hello, user!" When I press "Send" Then I should be on /admin/users/send_mail Scenario: Cancel creation of mailing Given I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/users/send_mail Then I should be on /admin/users/send_mail When I follow "Cancel e-mail" Then I should be on /admin/users Scenario: Should display recipients options Given I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/users/send_mail Then I should see "Recipients" Then I should see "All Users" Then I should see "Only Admins" Then I should see "Environment Admins" Then I should see "Profile Admins" Scenario: All users should be marked as default recipients Given I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/users/send_mail Then the "send_to_all" radio button should be checked Then the "send_to_admins" radio button should not be checked @selenium Scenario: Should disable checkboxes when recipients is set to All users Given I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/users/send_mail Then the field "#profile_admins" should be disabled Then the field "#env_admins" should be disabled When I choose "Only Admins" Then the field "#profile_admins" should be enabled Then the field "#env_admins" should be enabled |