ref: dockerize
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Feature: Use a secret community As a community administrator I want to manage the community privacy Background: Given the following users | login | name | | jose | Jose Wilker | | maria | Maria Carminha | And the following community | identifier | name | | mycommunity | My Community | And "Jose Wilker" is admin of "My Community" And I am logged in as "jose" And I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Community Info and settings" And I check "Secret" And I press "Save" And I follow "Logout" And I go to /account/login @selenium Scenario: Hide privacity options when secret is checked Given I am logged in as "jose" And I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Community Info and settings" Then I should not see "Public — show content of this group to all internet users" And I should not see "Private — show content of this group only to members" And I uncheck "Secret" Then I should see "Public — show content of this group to all internet users" Then I should see "Private — show content of this group only to members" @selenium Scenario: Non members shouldn't see secret communit's content Given I am logged in as "maria" And I go to mycommunity's homepage And I should see "Oops ... you cannot go ahead here" And I follow "Communities" Then I should not see "My Community" Scenario: A member should see the secret community's content Given I am logged in as "maria" And "Maria Carminha" is a member of "My Community" And I go to maria's control panel And I follow "Manage my groups" And I follow "My Community" Then I should see "My Community" @selenium Scenario: public article on a secret profile should not be displayed Given I am logged in as "jose" And I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Manage Content" And I follow "New content" And I follow "Text article" And I fill in "Title" with "My public article" And I choose "Public" And I press "Save and continue" When I am logged in as "maria" And I go to /mycommunity/my-public-article Then I should not see "My public article" |