ref: dockerize
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Feature: uploads items on media panel As a noosfero user I want to uploads items when creating or editing articles Background: Given the following users | login | name | | joaosilva | Joao Silva | And feature "media_panel" is enabled on environment And I am logged in as "joaosilva" And I am on /myprofile/joaosilva/cms/new?type=TextArticle Scenario: see media panel collapsed Then I should see "Insert media" And I should not see an element ".show-media-panel" @selenium Scenario: expand media panel When I follow "Show/Hide" Then I should see an element ".show-media-panel" @selenium Scenario: upload file showing percentage and name When I follow "Show/Hide" And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" Then I should see "100%" And I should see "rails.png" @selenium Scenario: upload multiple files When I follow "Show/Hide" And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" And I attach the file "public/503.jpg" to "file" Then I should see "rails.png" within "#file-1" And I should see "503.jpg" within "#file-2" @selenium Scenario: show error when upload fails When I follow "Show/Hide" And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" # uploads the same file twice to induce error (unique name validation) And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" Then I should see "rails.png" within "#file-1" And I should see "100%" within "#file-1" But I should see "Validation failed: Slug The title (article name) is already being used by another article, please use another title." within "#file-2" And The page should contain "div.error-message" @selenium Scenario: select destination folder When I follow "Show/Hide" And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" And I select "joaosilva" from "parent_id" within "#media-upload-form" And I attach the file "public/503.jpg" to "file" And I go to joaosilva's cms Then I should not see "rails.png" But I should see "503.jpg" When I follow "Gallery" Then I should see "rails.png" But I should not see "503.jpg" @selenium Scenario: create new folder with parent Given I follow "Show/Hide" And I should see "joaosilva" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva" within "#published-media" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery" within "#published-media" When I follow "New folder" And I select "joaosilva" from "parent_id" within "#new-folder-dialog" And I fill in "Name" with "Main folder" within "#new-folder-dialog" And I press "Create" Then I should see "joaosilva" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva/Main folder" within "#media-upload-form" And "joaosilva/Main folder" should be selected for "parent_id" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva" within "#published-media" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery" within "#published-media" And I should see "joaosilva/Main folder" within "#published-media" When I follow "New folder" And I select "joaosilva/Gallery" from "parent_id" within "#new-folder-dialog" And I fill in "Name" with "Gallery folder" within "#new-folder-dialog" And I press "Create" Then I should see "joaosilva" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva/Main folder" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery/Gallery folder" within "#media-upload-form" And "joaosilva/Gallery/Gallery folder" should be selected for "parent_id" within "#media-upload-form" And I should see "joaosilva" within "#published-media" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery" within "#published-media" And I should see "joaosilva/Main folder" within "#published-media" And I should see "joaosilva/Gallery/Gallery folder" within "#published-media" @selenium Scenario: select type when create new folder Given I follow "Show/Hide" And I follow "New folder" And I choose "Folder" within "#new-folder-dialog" And I fill in "Name" with "Main new folder" within "#new-folder-dialog" When I press "Create" Then I should see "joaosilva/Gallery/Main new folder" within "#parent_id" Given I follow "New folder" And I choose "Gallery" within "#new-folder-dialog" And I fill in "Name" with "Gallery new folder" within "#new-folder-dialog" When I press "Create" Then I should see "joaosilva/Gallery/Gallery new folder" within "#parent_id" @selenium Scenario: hide and show upload list When I follow "Show/Hide" And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" And I attach the file "public/503.jpg" to "file" And I follow "Hide all uploads" Then I should not see "503.jpg" And I should not see "rails.png" When I follow "Show all uploads" Then I should see "503.jpg" And I should see "rails.png" @selenium Scenario: update recent media after file upload Given the following files | owner | file | mime | | joaosilva | other-pic.jpg | image/jpeg | When I go to /myprofile/joaosilva/cms/new?type=TextArticle And I follow "Show/Hide" And I select "Recent media" from "parent_id" within "#published-media" Then I should see div with title "other-pic.jpg" within ".items" When I select "joaosilva" from "parent_id" within "#media-upload-form" And I attach the file "public/503.jpg" to "file" Then I should see div with title "503.jpg" within ".items" And I should see div with title "other-pic.jpg" within ".items" When I select "joaosilva/Gallery" from "parent_id" within "#media-upload-form" And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" And I attach the file "public/robots.txt" to "file" Then I should see div with title "rails.png" within ".items" And I should see div with title "503.jpg" within ".items" And I should see div with title "other-pic.jpg" within ".items" And I should see "robots.txt" link @selenium Scenario: select folder to show items Given the following galleries | owner | name | | joaosilva | other-gallery | And the following files | owner | file | mime | parent | | joaosilva | rails.png | image/png | other-gallery | | joaosilva | other-pic.jpg | image/jpeg | gallery | When I go to /myprofile/joaosilva/cms/new?type=TextArticle And I follow "Show/Hide" And I select "joaosilva/Gallery" from "parent_id" within "#published-media" Then I should see div with title "other-pic.jpg" within ".items" And I should not see div with title "rails.png" within ".items" When I select "joaosilva/other-gallery" from "parent_id" within "#published-media" Then I should see div with title "rails.png" within ".items" And I should not see div with title "other-pic.jpg" within ".items" @selenium Scenario: update selected folder content when upload file to same folder Given the following galleries | owner | name | | joaosilva | other-gallery | And the following files | owner | file | mime | parent | | joaosilva | other-pic.jpg | image/jpeg | gallery | When I go to /myprofile/joaosilva/cms/new?type=TextArticle And I follow "Show/Hide" And I select "joaosilva/Gallery" from "parent_id" within "#published-media" And I select "joaosilva/Gallery" from "parent_id" within "#media-upload-form" And I attach the file "public/503.jpg" to "file" Then I should see div with title "other-pic.jpg" within ".items" And I should see div with title "503.jpg" within ".items" When I select "joaosilva/other-gallery" from "parent_id" within "#media-upload-form" And I attach the file "public/robots.txt" to "file" Then I should see div with title "other-pic.jpg" within ".items" And I should see div with title "503.jpg" within ".items" And I should not see "robots.txt" within ".items" @selenium Scenario: filter media with search Given the following galleries | owner | name | | joaosilva | other-gallery | And the following files | owner | file | mime | parent | | joaosilva | rails.png | image/png | other-gallery | When I go to /myprofile/joaosilva/cms/new?type=TextArticle And I follow "Show/Hide" And I select "Recent media" from "parent_id" within "#published-media" And I fill in "Search" with "rails" within "#published-media" Then I should see div with title "rails.png" within ".items" When I select "joaosilva/Gallery" from "parent_id" within "#published-media" And I fill in "Search" with "rails" within "#published-media" Then I should not see div with title "rails.png" within ".items" When I select "joaosilva/other-gallery" from "parent_id" within "#published-media" And I fill in "Search" with "rails" within "#published-media" Then I should see div with title "rails.png" within ".items" @selenium Scenario: separete images from non-images When I follow "Show/Hide" Then I should not see "Images" And I should not see "Files" When I attach the file "public/robots.txt" to "file" And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "file" Then I should see "Files" And I should see "robots.txt" within ".generics" But I should not see "rails.png" within ".generics" And I should see "Images" And I should see div with title "rails.png" within ".images" But I should not see div with title "robots.txt" within ".images" @selenium Scenario: view all media button if there are too many uploads Given the following galleries | owner | name | | joaosilva | other-gallery | | joaosilva | my-gallery | And the following files | owner | file | mime | parent | | joaosilva | rails.png | image/png | other-gallery | | joaosilva | other-pic.jpg | image/jpeg | other-gallery | | joaosilva | rails.png | image/png | my-gallery | | joaosilva | other-pic.jpg | image/jpeg | my-gallery | | joaosilva | rails.png | image/png | gallery | | joaosilva | other-pic.jpg | image/jpeg | gallery | When I go to /myprofile/joaosilva/cms/new?type=TextArticle And I follow "Show/Hide" And I should not see "View all" And I attach the file "public/503.jpg" to "file" Then I should see "View all" link And I should see div with title "503.jpg" within ".images" |