ref: dockerize
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Feature: check all manage fields As an administrator I want to check and uncheck all person, enterprise and community's fields Background: Given the following users | login | name | | mariasilva | Maria Silva | And the following enterprises | identifier | owner | name | contact_email | contact_phone | enabled | | paper-street | mariasilva | Paper Street | | (288) 555-0153 | true | And the following community | identifier | name | | mycommunity | My Community | And I am logged in as admin And I go to /admin/features/manage_fields @selenium Scenario: check all active person fields Given I follow "Person's fields" And I check "person_active" And I press "save_person_fields" When I go to admin_user's control panel And I follow "Edit Profile" Then I should see "Custom area of study" @selenium Scenario: check all active enterprise fields Given I follow "Enterprise's fields" And I check "enterprise_active" And I press "save_enterprise_fields" When I go to paper-street's control panel And I follow "Enterprise Info and settings" Then I should see "Historic and current context" @selenium Scenario: check all active community fields Given I follow "Community's fields" And I check "community_active" And I press "save_community_fields" When I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Community Info and settings" Then I should see "Economic activity" @selenium Scenario: uncheck Check/Uncheck All active person field Given I follow "Person's fields" And I check "person_active" And I press "save_person_fields" And I uncheck "person_active" And I press "save_person_fields" And I follow "Control panel" When I follow "Edit Profile" Then I should not see "Custom area of study" @selenium Scenario: uncheck Check/Uncheck All active community field Given I follow "Community's fields" And I check "community_active" And I press "save_community_fields" And I follow "Community's fields" And I uncheck "community_active" And I press "save_community_fields" When I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Community Info and settings" Then I should not see "Economic activity" @selenium Scenario: uncheck Check/Uncheck All active enterprise field Given I follow "Enterprise's fields" And I check "enterprise_active" And I press "save_enterprise_fields" And I follow "Enterprise's fields" And I uncheck "enterprise_active" And I press "save_enterprise_fields" When I go to paper-street's control panel And I follow "Enterprise Info and settings" Then I should not see "Historic and current context" |