ref: dockerize
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Feature: forum As a noosfero user I want to have one or mutiple forums Background: Given I am on the homepage And the following users | login | name | | joaosilva | Joao Silva | And "joaosilva" has no articles And I am logged in as "joaosilva" @selenium @ignore-hidden-elements Scenario: create a forum Given I am on joaosilva's control panel And I follow "Manage Content" And I should see "New content" And I follow "New content" And I should see "Forum" When I follow "Forum" And I fill in "Title" with "My Forum" And I press "Save" Then I should see "Configure forum" Scenario: redirect to forum after create forum from cms Given I go to joaosilva's control panel And I follow "Manage Content" And I follow "New content" When I follow "Forum" And I fill in "Title" with "Forum from cms" And I press "Save" Then I should be on /joaosilva/forum-from-cms Scenario: create multiple forums Given I go to joaosilva's control panel And I follow "Manage Content" And I follow "New content" And I follow "Forum" And I fill in "Title" with "Forum One" And I press "Save" Then I go to joaosilva's control panel And I follow "Manage Content" And I follow "New content" And I follow "Forum" And I fill in "Title" with "Forum Two" And I press "Save" Then I should not see "error" And I should be on /joaosilva/forum-two Scenario: cancel button back to cms Given I go to joaosilva's control panel And I follow "Manage Content" And I follow "New content" And I follow "Forum" When I follow "Cancel" within ".main-block" Then I should be on /myprofile/joaosilva/cms Scenario: cancel button back to myprofile Given I go to joaosilva's control panel And I follow "Manage Content" And I follow "New content" And I follow "Forum" When I follow "Cancel" within ".main-block" Then I should be on /myprofile/joaosilva/cms @selenium Scenario: configure forum when viewing it Given the following forums | owner | name | | joaosilva | Forum One | And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one When I follow "Configure forum" Then I should be on edit "Forum One" by joaosilva @selenium Scenario: show forum with terms of use for owner Given the following forums | owner | name | | joaosilva | Forum One | And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one When I follow "Configure forum" And I fill in tinyMCE "article_body" with "My description" And I check "Has terms of use:" And I press "Save" Then I should see "Forum One" And I should see "My description" @selenium Scenario: accept terms in topics page Given the following forums | owner | name | | joaosilva | Forum One | And the following users | login | name | | mariasilva | Maria Silva | And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one When I follow "Configure forum" And I fill in tinyMCE "article_body" with "My description" And I check "Has terms of use:" And I press "Save" When I follow "New discussion topic" And I should see "Text article" And I follow "Text article" And I fill in "Title" with "Topic" And I press "Save" And I am logged in as "mariasilva" And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one/topic And I press "Accept" Then I should see "Topic" @selenium Scenario: accept terms of use of a forum for others users Given the following forums | owner | name | | joaosilva | Forum One | And the following users | login | name | | mariasilva | Maria Silva | And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one When I follow "Configure forum" And I fill in tinyMCE "article_body" with "My description" And I check "Has terms of use:" And I press "Save" When I follow "Logout" And I am logged in as "mariasilva" And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one?terms=terms When I press "Accept" Then I should see "Forum One" And I should see "My description" @selenium Scenario: redirect user not logged Given the following forums | owner | name | | joaosilva | Forum One | And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one When I follow "Configure forum" And I fill in tinyMCE "article_body" with "My description" And I check "Has terms of use:" And I press "Save" When I follow "Logout" And I go to /joaosilva/forum-one?terms=terms When I follow "Accept" Then I should see "Login" within ".login-box" @selenium Scenario: last topic update by unautenticated user should not link Given the following forums | owner | name | | joaosilva | Forum | And the following articles | owner | name | parent | | joaosilva | Post one | Forum | And the following comments | article | name | email | title | body | | Post one | Joao | | Hi all | Hi all | When I go to /joaosilva/forum Then I should not see "Joao" link Scenario: last topic update by autenticated user should link to profile url Given the following forums | owner | name | | joaosilva | Forum | And the following articles | owner | name | parent | | joaosilva | Post one | Forum | And the following comments | article | author | title | body | | Post one | joaosilva | Hi all | Hi all | When I go to /joaosilva/forum Then I should see "Joao Silva" within ".forum-post-last-answer" |