ref: dockerize
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Feature: activate enterprise As an enterprise owner I want to activate my enterprise In order to publish content Background: Given the following users | login | name | | joaosilva | Joao Silva | And I am logged in as "joaosilva" Scenario: added an unexistent code Given feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And I am on joaosilva's control panel And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with "abcde" When I press "Activate" Then I should see "Invalid enterprise code" Scenario: added a code from an activated enterprise Given feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And the following enterprises | identifier | name | enabled | | products-factory | Products Factory | false | And I am on joaosilva's control panel And enterprise "Products Factory" is enabled And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with code of "Products Factory" When I press "Activate" Then I should see "This enterprise is already active" Scenario: added a code from an enterprise with no foundation year or cnpj Given feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And the following enterprises | identifier | name | enabled | | products-factory | Products Factory | false | And I am on joaosilva's control panel And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with code of "Products Factory" When I press "Activate" Then I should see "We don't have enough information about your enterprise to identify you." And enterprise "Products Factory" should not be blocked Scenario: filled activation question with wrong foundation year Given feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And the following enterprises | identifier | name | enabled | foundation_year | | services-provider | Services Provider | false | 2000 | And I am on joaosilva's control panel And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with code of "Services Provider" And I press "Activate" And I fill in "What year your enterprise was founded? It must have 4 digits, eg 1990." with "1999" When I press "Continue" Then I should see "There was a failed atempt of activation and the automated activation was disabled for your security." And enterprise "Services Provider" should be blocked Scenario: filled activation question with wrong cnpj Given feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And the following enterprises | identifier | name | enabled | cnpj | | services-provider | Services Provider | false | 94.132.024/0001-48 | And I am on joaosilva's control panel And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with code of "Services Provider" And I press "Activate" And I fill in "What is the CNPJ of your enterprise?" with "12345678912345" When I press "Continue" Then I should see "There was a failed atempt of activation and the automated activation was disabled for your security." And enterprise "Services Provider" should be blocked @selenium Scenario: activate succesffuly an enterprise with foundation_year Given feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And the following enterprises | identifier | name | enabled | foundation_year | | services-provider | Services Provider | false | 2000 | And I go to joaosilva's control panel And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with code of "Services Provider" And I press "Activate" And I fill in "What year your enterprise was founded? It must have 4 digits, eg 1990." with "2000" And I press "Continue" And I check "I read the terms of use and accepted them" When I press "Continue" Then I should see "Services Provider was successfuly activated. Now you may go to your control panel or to the control panel of your enterprise" And enterprise "Services Provider" should be enabled And "Joao Silva" is admin of "Services Provider" @selenium Scenario: replace template after enable an enterprise Given enterprise template must be replaced after enable And feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And the following enterprises | identifier | name | enabled | foundation_year | is_template | | services-provider-2 | Services Provider 2 | false | 2000 | false | | active-template | Active Template | false | 2000 | true | And "Active Template" is the active enterprise template And "Services Provider 2" doesnt have "Active Template" as template And I go to joaosilva's control panel And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with code of "Services Provider 2" And I press "Activate" And I fill in "What year your enterprise was founded? It must have 4 digits, eg 1990." with "2000" And I press "Continue" And I check "I read the terms of use and accepted them" When I press "Continue" Then I should see "Services Provider 2 was successfuly activated. Now you may go to your control panel or to the control panel of your enterprise" And enterprise "Services Provider 2" should be enabled And "Joao Silva" is admin of "Services Provider 2" And "Services Provider 2" has "Active Template" as template @selenium Scenario: not replace template after enable an enterprise Given enterprise template must not be replaced after enable And feature "enterprise_activation" is enabled on environment And the following enterprises | identifier | name | enabled | foundation_year | is_template | | services-provider-3 | Services Provider 3 | false | 2000 | false | | active-template | Active Template | false | 2000 | true | And "Active Template" is the active enterprise template And "Services Provider 3" doesnt have "Active Template" as template When I go to joaosilva's control panel And I fill in "Enterprise activation code" with code of "Services Provider 3" And I press "Activate" And I fill in "What year your enterprise was founded? It must have 4 digits, eg 1990." with "2000" And I press "Continue" And I check "I read the terms of use and accepted them" When I press "Continue" Then I should see "Services Provider 3 was successfuly activated. Now you may go to your control panel or to the control panel of your enterprise" And enterprise "Services Provider 3" should be enabled And "Joao Silva" is admin of "Services Provider 3" And "Services Provider 3" doesnt have "Active Template" as template |