ref: dockerize
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Feature: accept member As an admin user I want to accept a member request In order to join a community Background: Given the following users | login | name | | mario | Mario Souto | | marie | Marie Curie | And the following community | identifier | name | | mycommunity | My Community | And the community "My Community" is closed And "Mario Souto" is admin of "My Community" Scenario: a user should see its merbership is pending Given I am logged in as "mario" And the following communities | owner | identifier | name | closed | | marie | private-community | Private Community | true | And I go to private-community's homepage When I follow "Join this community" And I go to private-community's homepage Then I should see "Your membership is waiting for approval" @selenium Scenario: approve a task to accept a member as admin in a closed community Given "Marie Curie" asked to join "My Community" And I am logged in as "mario" And I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Process requests" And I should see "Marie Curie wants to be a member" When I choose "Accept" And I check "Profile Administrator" And I press "Apply!" Then "Marie Curie" should be admin of "My Community" @selenium Scenario: approve a task to accept a member as member in a closed community Given "Marie Curie" asked to join "My Community" And I am logged in as "mario" And I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Process requests" And I should see "Marie Curie wants to be a member" When I choose "Accept" And I check "Profile Member" And I press "Apply!" Then "Marie Curie" should be a member of "My Community" @selenium Scenario: approve a task to accept a member as moderator in a closed community Given "Marie Curie" asked to join "My Community" And I am logged in as "mario" And I go to mycommunity's control panel And I follow "Process requests" And I should see "Marie Curie wants to be a member" When I choose "Accept" And I check "Profile Moderator" And I press "Apply!" Then "Marie Curie" should be moderator of "My Community" |